Had to share the letter below from todays Daily News. Bravo, - TopicsExpress


Had to share the letter below from todays Daily News. Bravo, Schellie Hagan of Brooklyn, and yes, you DO speak for so many others in this town. A Letter of Reply to the Mayor Brooklyn: On Dec. 22, I received a mass distribution email from Mayor de Blasio about the murder of Police Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. I wrote him right back. Then I noticed his message was “no reply”; my response had gone to cyberspace. I know I speak for others in this town so wrenched with fury and grief. Thank you for the Daily News Ramos-Liu Fund for the officers’ families. I’m mailing my check in. This is what I sent to de Blasio: Please have the decency to stop talking. Your words are hollow. Your sympathy for the lawlessness in the streets, your silence as marchers roamed the city at will calling for dead cops, your silence when marchers attacked the police spoke volumes. You and your press people loudly denounced the rank and file of the department even while you met with protesters and praised their ideas for changing the NYPD. You elevated anti-cop Al Sharpton to be level with the police commissioner at City Hall. No one could have been completely surprised, because you campaigned for mayor on an anti-police platform. A speaker at your inauguration described New York City as a “plantation,” and you burnished that image by linking the NYPD to “centuries of racism.” Your words and your strategic silence were getting the message out loud and clear: Keep marching, keep screaming, keep wilding. An anti-police protester attempted to use a garbage can as a missile to knock out a cop, and two officers were beaten up — including a police lieutenant who suffered a broken nose. You said the attack on the police was “alleged.” When they caught the attacker, a cop-hater who teaches at the City University, you said only to suspend him and not to fire him until he was convicted. Meantime, it’s fine with you that he returns to teach hating the NYPD in free verse. Your bias has been your base, and now you’re reaping the whirlwind. Leaders are supposed to bring out the best, the most noble in those they represent. You have gone the other way, stoking grievance and stirring anger. Two officers have paid the ultimate price for your carelessness in office. You’ve taken us from broken windows to a broken city. Schellie Hagan
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:40:45 +0000

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