Had to share this...I hope Deborah does not mind. It is the most - TopicsExpress


Had to share this...I hope Deborah does not mind. It is the most beautiful description of Oneness I have ever read..beautiful...feel it and know we are one with everything... o I went for a walk up Zillig Road past the gate and onto the gravel logging road which, at the time, was surrounded by forest. It was an absolutely beautiful spring day in the Pacific Northwest. Cool, but sunny. The air was fresh and I was grate-ful to be out walking in such good weather. I was thinking on my way up the hill about the “web of life” – our connection with everything. I walked a little more slowly and tried to still my mind by simple observation of things I enjoy looking at, the trees, moss and ferns. I remember being delighted at how the sunlight looked as it streaked through the fir trees and dappled the forest floor. As I was coming back down the hill I was compelled to walk even more slowly. Then I had the most amazing experience of my life. The last real thought I had before going into the altered state was that I remember looking at a tiny wildflower by the road, happily blooming beside what we would typically call a weed, an unwanted plant, if it was in a garden. I was struck with a kind of joy filled humor that those two plants were not in any kind of competition with each other. Our perception of them had nothing whatsoever to do with how they perceived themselves. One plant did not believe the other to be either more beautiful, or lesser than, itself. In the reality of plant life they were fulfilled in just being themselves. I knew it was a lesson for me to remember. The experience I had then is really indescribable, but I will attempt to put words to it. I had a strange feeling – like the air was getting thicker and thicker – which caused me to walk so slowly that I finally had to stop walking and just stand. Ac-tually, the air was not getting thicker and thicker, the density of my body was be-coming the same as the density of the air around me. As my body became less and less dense, my normal consciousness faded away, like an echo. I remember my mind, in its far away voice, just before it went silent, thinking “If someone drove up the road right now, I think I would be invisible and they would drive right through me.” That was the last thought I had for I don’t know how long. The cells which composed my body were merging with the air – they disbursed into the smallest particles, the “quanta” of what surrounded me. I then had no body. I just was. I had finally dissolved into the air, earth, and plants – everything. My normal consciousness became completely still and I became brilliantly aware, without those thoughts which normally take up space in my mind. I could “see” in all di-rections. Or, more precisely, I “was” all directions. I knew that I was merged with the scene around me – above, below and beside. I was one with the air, the sky, the plants, and the earth. I felt oneness with everything. There was incredible clar-ity. I KNEW I was ONE with ALL. I do not know how long the experience lasted, but coming out of it was like going in. I had the “thick air” feeling. As my normal consciousness slowly returned, like the returning echo, I experienced joy filled humor again. I thought that trying to move my body through the “thick air” would be like the middle of a bowl of Jell-O trying to make its way through the rest of the Jell-O. Impossibility, because the consistency of within a bowl of Jell-O was all the same, and my consistency was the same as my surroundings. As my consciousness returned, it must have moved faster than my bodily responses because, when I first tried to take a step, I could not and it was humorous to me. I knew that if I waited a little longer I would be able to move my body, and that is what happened. During the whole experience there was never a moment of anxiety, only joy, humor and the bright, bright clari-ty of BEing. So, I can tell you for certain that we are One. This world we experience is a crea-tion of consciousness. Everything is consciousness. By Deborah Meier
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 14:18:35 +0000

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