Haha just went off on some person, Im in a bad mood today: Hey - TopicsExpress


Haha just went off on some person, Im in a bad mood today: Hey **** ****** you crusty old cunt, you know why you people hate it so much that native/black people fight for their rights, because you are an entire race of servants. You people have been enslaved for centuries upon centuries by your lords, told what to do, when to do it and how often. You sold yourselves for what you imagined was security. You have no back bone, you are less then human, and you love it, you cling to your petty joke of a god that you twisted into ways to controlling yourselves even more. Cowardly bastards resent it so much because we have the courage to stand up and fight against becoming like you, a shell of a human being, a mockery of the human race. Natives dont want to be you, your so called master race isnt good enough to lick the shit off my dogs ass. Sure there are some good ones among the bunch of you people, but not nearly enough to stem the tide of blind, stupid servility that people like you cherish so much. This is our homeland, this is where we settled and built our nations in concert with the land, not as its masters. YOUR ancestors came from some potato field in Europe, this is not your country, you just happened to be born on our soil, so be a good servant and shut your damned mouth and wait for the government your a slave to, to deal with the BINDING treaty they signed with another nation, a nation that saved the ass of your colonialist ancestors. educate yourself so your children and grandchildren are not as stupid as you.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 16:12:22 +0000

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