Hahnemann explains that diseases cannot be of mechanical or - TopicsExpress


Hahnemann explains that diseases cannot be of mechanical or chemical changes in the material substance of the body. However, is a dynamic, spirit like untunement of vital energy? Miasms & Homeopathic treatment for chronic diseases Miasm comes from the Greek word "miasma" which means taint, stain, pollution. Organon stresses the importance to understand the fundamental cause and the totality of the symptoms. A miasm is often defining by homeopaths as an imputed "peculiar morbid derangement of the vital force.” Hahnemann observed that the chronic diseases have 3 phases a primary, latent and a secondary/tertiary state. The outcomes of these miasms were then may be passed from one generation to the next by inheritance and caused susceptibility to certain disease syndromes. Types of Miasm Hahnemann noted that there were three basic miasms common to most if not all people. They are as follows: Psora (itch disease), Sycosis (fig wart diseases), Syphilis (chancre disease).
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 13:52:07 +0000

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