Haise had another half day at school today! So lovely for him. - TopicsExpress


Haise had another half day at school today! So lovely for him. Counts on monday were great - Hb and platelets were really good, neutrophils and white cells were low but on the rise. We couldnt believe it! I was really shocked and had to ring our outreach nurse from Sydney to make sure all was ok! How crazy! You get good counts and you think something is wrong, you get low counts and think something is wrong! Who on earth would be a Mum I ask you??!! Sunday marked 5 months since surgery, Ill put some photos up of the scar 5 months ago and what is looks like now! I cant wait to see what it will look like in another 5 months. Its so good! Better than I ever imagined it would be. Haise has been in good spirits, having a few days each week out of a hospital makes such a HUGE difference to him. Having time to rest at home and take it easy truly makes such a difference. A few days to read and lie about helps Haise physically and mentally. Ab and E love the slightly more regular pick ups from school, knowing that H hasnt been sitting at Day Stay having transfusions. They know when we arrive at school each afternoon that all is ok. Its the little things....... Im starting to think more and more about treatment coming to an end. We are in Sydney next week for the final IE treatment. I will ensure I use every opportunity to talk to Luce.... we need to work out a way to best process what the end of treatment does to your head.......keeping your head in a good place is so so so so hard........ There is no way to predict how you are going to wake up each morning, some mornings I wake up feeling driven, inspired and motivated. Other days I wake up feeling emotional, overwhelmed, sad and more worried than you could imagine. Even the dreams I have can influence how I feel the next day. Its truly the hardest thing. Our kids are our most magnificent achievement. Tonight, as we ate dinner outside, laughing and being silly I got all teary thinking about how much I love our kids. All 3 of them have been to hell and back, we still have much to get through but Phill and I couldnt be prouder of each of them. Do we really know whats in store when we become parents??! No way! Who on earth would ever know whats in store?! I would never ever in a million years think that my son would have cancer. No way! I was just having a cute little baby in a Bonds Onesie..... Sigh......... And so my friends, we have another couple of days at home until we head back to Camperdown ward. We have counts again a couple of times this week. If the stars align H might make another half day of school later this week........ He said to me today he will never ever complain about going to school. He said he will remember every detail from this year and be grateful when he can get up and go to school every morning. Can I also say, to the beautiful mates of Harrisons, bless each and every one of you. You are such gorgeous boys, Harrison is one lucky boy to have loyal and sincere friends. To their parents, go you guys! Nice work there, you have some special sons. :) Love to all of you. We continue to be a very grateful family for the love and support we have. Em xxx
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:17:23 +0000

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