Haiti Act of 2014 SEC. 6. STRATEGY. (a) IN GENERAL .—Not - TopicsExpress


Haiti Act of 2014 SEC. 6. STRATEGY. (a) IN GENERAL .—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, acting through the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, shall coordinate and transmit to the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives a three-year Haiti strategy based on rigorous assessments that— (1) identifies and addresses constraints to sustainable, broad-based economic growth and to the consolidation of responsive, democratic government institutions; (2) includes an action plan that outlines policy tools, technical assistance, and anticipated resources for addressing the highest-priority constraints to economic growth and the consolidation of democracy, as well as a specific description of mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating progress; and (3) identifies specific steps and verifiable benchmarks appropriate to provide direct bilateral assistance to the Government of Haiti. (b) ELEMENTS .—The strategy required under subsection (a) should address the following elements: (1) A plan to engage the Government of Haiti on shared priorities to build long-term capacity, including the development of a professional civil service, to assume increasing responsibility for governance and budgetary sustainment of governmental institutions. (2) A plan to assist the Government of Haiti in holding free, fair and timely elections in accordance with democratic principles. (3) Specific goals for future United States support for efforts to build the capacity of the Government of Haiti, including to– (A) reduce corruption; (B) consolidate the rule of law and an independent judiciary; (C) strengthen the civilian police force; (D) develop sustainable housing, including ensuring appropriate titling and land ownership rights; (E) expand port capacity to support economic growth; (F) attract and leverage the investments of private sector partners, including to the Caracol Industrial Park; (G) promote large and small scale agricultural development in a manner that reduces food insecurity and contributes to economic growth; (H) improve access to potable water, expand public sanitation services, reduce the spread of infectious diseases, and address public health crises; (I) restore the natural resources of Haiti, including enhancing reforestation efforts throughout the country; and (J) gain access to safe, secure, and affordable supplies of energy in order to strengthen economic growth and energy security. https://youtube/watch?v=F1EDhmCrrsE
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:56:34 +0000

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