Haiti Day 5:Part1 It’s 9:30AM and I have the day free until - TopicsExpress


Haiti Day 5:Part1 It’s 9:30AM and I have the day free until 7:00PM. Ps. Carlo is taking almost 400 young people somewhere for the day. It will give me a chance to prepare for the 2 meetings tomorrow. I am all prepared for tonight. I will speak on how unforgiveness will hinder your destiny and in the mean time you will be miserable. Tomorrow the Baptist church I am going to is where I went last year and prophesied to the pastor and the church. They didn’t believe in prophesy they do now. Please pray because I am going to tell this church about a wonderful future if they repent. There is so much animosity, unforgiveness, resentment that they only come to church out of religious duty. The leaders lord it over the people. I will declare that God is giving them a new beginning if they repent. They are to love one another as Jesus loved them. In Acts it says God will bring times of refreshing if they would repent. I am writing this until they shut the power off or I need to muse (perhaps I’ll muse with my eyes closed). I thought I would give you a glimpse of what it’s like coming here to Haiti alone as well as Romania. You spend countless hours not understanding a word people are saying. You sit there and listen in hopes that at some point someone will say a few words to you. This is true while you’re in church (Romania is better because people speak more English there) and when you are staying in a home or a hotel it is more of the same. You have to be a person who likes the cave… A place where you are alone and only God is your companion. Even when you’re driving often little is said because of the language barrier. The food that is available is not at all what we are accustom to. I am thankful for it and there are days here when you’ll miss a meal or two or three. The last 2 dinners I had were chasse and tomato sandwiches (no chips). Praise God for the food that is available. Often you have no idea what you are eating. Like yesterday there was this meat and I had no idea what it was. I prayed and ate – still no clue what it was. Anyone who has done foreign missions knows that people have funny watches. They will pick you up at 8:15 and arrive at 8:55 for a 9:00AM meeting. If a service begins on time it’s close to a genuine miracle. Music is long and loud, prayer is loud and long, announcements are many and long. Then after you are done ministering a pastor will close the meeting with a 15 – 20 minute prayer giving your message over again and also adding a few thing. Yet God delights in it all. The word flexible is like the word of the Lord. I can’t open the web but I can send and receive mail so I’ll shoot this off before we lose power. Blessed to be in the will of God! pb
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 02:03:34 +0000

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