Hajj in Islam Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, [1] because - TopicsExpress


Hajj in Islam Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, [1] because the Prophet Muhammad: « Islam is built on five : testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , establishing prayer , paying the zakat , fasting Ramadan, pilgrimage to the House of he has the means » ,but only once , [4] begins pilgrimage in the argument that the Haj ihraam [5] of the times pilgrimage selected, and then go to Mecca to work Cruising come, then go to Mina to spend the day perfusion and then go to Arafah to spend the day of Arafa, after that aims Hajj ritual in anthrax biggest obstacle , due Hajj to Mecca work ifaadah , and then return to Mina to spend days Tashreeq , [6] and back again Haj to Mecca for the farewell work and leave the holy places . Hajj liturgy existed before Islam, [7] as Muslims believe that Rite imposed by God on the United precedent such as Alhanifip followers of the religion of the prophet Abraham , mentioned in the Quran : Ra bracket.png Taking Buana to Abraham the place home that does not involve me something and cleanse my house to طائفين and those and الركع prostrate Aya-26.png La bracket.png, [8] people were performed days of Abraham and beyond, but they have violated some of the rituals of Hajj and invented it, [7] and that while popping paganism and idolatry in the Arabian Peninsula by Amr Ibn neighborhood. [9] he has the Prophet pilgrimage only once is the farewell pilgrimage in 10 AH, [10] where the Prophet make pilgrimage correct , and said: « Take Me مناسككم » , [11] also gave the Prophet his famous speech , which completed its rules and foundations of religion Islamic . Imposition of pilgrimage in the ninth year of migration , [12 ] [13] and the Muslim must perform Hajj once in his age, [14] If the Hajj Muslim after that time or times it was voluntarily him, narrated that Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet Muhammad said : «O O people , may impose upon you so do Hajj pilgrimage . A man said of companions : should not pilgrimage we once every year , O Messenger of Allah? , He was speechless Prophet, terrifying man asked twice, the Prophet said: « If I said yes to وجبت , and much as you can » , and then said : « Leave me what تركتكم » . [15 [ Terms of pilgrimage five; first requirement of Islam in the sense that it is not permissible for non-Muslims to perform Hajj. [16] the second condition is the mind there pilgrimage crazy to recover from his illness . [16] the third condition puberty should not pilgrimage to the boy until he grows up . [17] The fourth condition of freedom must not be owned even pilgrimage aging. [17] The fifth condition is possible in the sense that the Hajj is obligatory upon every Muslim person unable مستطيع . [18] Muslims believe that the pilgrimage benefits of spiritual and many great credit, and Islamic sects different from the Sunni and Shiite, perform the rituals of Hajj in the same way , but different Shiite Sunnis hand mustahabb to visit the graves of the imams infallible according to the belief Shiite shrines and tombs of the household are known, and some companions who Agelounam . Contents [hide] 1 History 2 preferred pilgrimage 3 types of Hajj 4 Rites 4.1 Timings 4.2 Ihram 4.3 on perfusion 4.4 the day of Arafah 4.5 Eid al - Adha 4.6 days of Tashreeq is 4.7 farewell 4.8 pilgrimage in the Shiite perspective 5 Statistics and Figures 6 events and incidents 7 See also 8 References 9 External links History Imagine fee for Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness. The history of Hajj in Islam to the period prior to the mission of Muhammad thousands of years , and specifically to the time of the Prophet Abraham . Provides Islamic sources that Abraham was coming down in the visible Sham , and when he was born his جاريته emigrated Ismail, Aghtmt his wife Sarah from the mines severe because he did not have them born was hurt Abraham in Hagar and Tgmh , [19 ] [20] complained Abraham to God ordered him to come out Ismail and his mother them , he said: Any employer anywhere ? He said: to campuses and security and the first spot created from the ground which is Mecca, and sent down to him Jibril Balbrac he carried Hagar and Ishmael , Abraham , was Abraham does not pass the placement of Hassan where trees and palm trees and planting , but said: O Gabriel to her here to her here, says Gabriel: No no flashing flashing until Affi Mecca placed him in the position of the house, [19] was Abraham promised Sarah that does not come down until he returns to it , and when he pitched in that place when the trees casting emigrated to the trees clothe was with her Fastzlt underneath when سرحهم Ibrahim and put them wanted to leave them to Sarah told him Hagar : I did not let us in this place, which is not where Anis no water, no transplant ? , Ibrahim said: My Lord , who ordered me to أضعكم in this place , and then went away from them when he reached Cody , a Mount relegated[19]. [21] Usmani fee for Muslims and they circumambulate the Kabah after open a Mecca , the Prophet Muhammad seems has his face covered with a white cloth . When it rose day , Ismail thirst , so she emigrated in the valley until it became in subject endeavor Vadt : Are you in the valley from Anis ? فغاب by Ismail, فصعدت on Safa flashed her mirage in the valley and thought that water came down in the belly of the valley and sought when he reached Marwa missed by Ismail, then shine a mirage in the area of Safa and fell into the valley require water when he missed by Ismail returned until it reached Safa looked to Ismail , so I did it seven times when he was in the seventh inning and is Marwa looked at Ismail has appeared water from under his feet so I went back even gathered around the sand and the liquid Vzmth what made him therefore named Zamzam, [19] and the tribe dragged losers relegated to metaphor and Arafat when he appeared water in Mecca embarked birds and beasts on the water looked dragged to working bird on that place فاتبعوها even looked at a woman and a boy going down in that position may Astazloa tree had appeared to them water said to them, a large drag them : Who are you and what your business and would this boy ? , she said: I am a mother born Ibrahim Khalil Rahman and the son God had commanded him to Enzlna her here, they said to her: Otaznin to be near you ? She said: So I ask Abraham , Fsarhma Ibrahim third day Vastaznth emigrated survival of the tribe dragged , before this, [19] went down near them and beat up their tents and onsite Hagar and Ishmael them , and when he visited Abraham in the second time and looked at the large number of people around them secret so very pleased . Lived Ismail and his mother with the tribe dragged to that reached the amount of men , and ordered Abraham to build the Sacred House at the spot where inflicted on Adam dome , did not generate Ibrahim anywhere builds the house , the fact that dome above continued to list until the days of the flood in the time of Noah, when he sank Minimum filed by God, according to the belief of Islamic , [19] he sent God Jibril فخط to Abraham into the house and sent down to him the rules of paradise, built Abraham House and the transfer of Ismail stone from a rolled up, فرفعه in the sky nine cubits, [22 ] and then Dallah on the position of the black stone, Fastkhrjh Abraham and put in place which is where and make him Babin : Papa to the east and the Pope to Morocco, the door is who to Morocco called Almostagar , then threw him wormwood and الأذخر commented emigrated on the door perfusion was with her and they are underneath , and when he built and deflate pilgrimage Abraham and Ishmael and came down on them Jibril on perfusion for eight devoid of the argument , he said: O Abraham do Varto of the water, because it was not in Mina and Arafat water became known as ischemia so , then directed to Mina to shreds by and for finished Abraham build the house said: ) Lord, make this a safe country and blessed with his family from the fruits of them believed God , and the other day he said and Kafr Vomtah the bit and then forced him to the torment of the fire and good riddance ( . Taking believers letter Abraham and Ishmael and behind of the prophets pilgrimage to the Kaaba annually , and continued it in this manner until the spread pagan Arabs days Mr. Mecca Amr Ibn neighborhood Alkhozai , which is the first to enter the worship of idols to the Arabian Peninsula , and non- religion people Alhanifa . ] 23] and the Arabs with the passage of time to erect idols , idols representing gods around the Kaaba , and took some tribes of Mecca traded by , فسمحت any other tribe or group , regardless of their religion or gods, that the pilgrimage to the old house . Continued some Hanafi and Christians pilgrimage to the Kaaba after the spread of idolatry, [24] and after the mission Mohammed nine years , or ten , the imposition of pilgrimage on the safe calling and mission , [25] and in Surat Al-Imran : ) God and the people Hajj to the House of he has the means ( . Muslims did not pilgrimage to Mecca before the year 631 , any year opened at the hands of the Prophet Muhammad , which destroyed all the idols and fetishes , [26] and the supernatant Kabah is it with him and performed all other rituals that have stabilized since then as such. Preferred pilgrimage Received from the Prophet Muhammad are many hadith that talk about the virtues of performing Hajj and reward derived by Muslim due to the performance of this corner of the pillars of Islam, [27 ] [28] Among the most prominent of these conversations : what is stated in Sunan Tirmidhi from Abdullah bin Masood it he said: the Messenger of Allah said: « Keep on doing Hajj and Umrah, they eliminate poverty and sins as the bellows eliminate impurities from iron , gold, silver , and not to the argument Alambrorh reward than Paradise » [29] and reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari from Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah Asked any better? said: « faith in God and His Messenger » . said: then what? said: « Jihad valuable sake of God » . said: then what? said: « accepted Hajj » . [30] and reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari from Abu kitten , he said : I heard the Messenger of Allah say : « Hajj , did not commit any obscenity did not يفسق , returned from his sins, the day his mother bore him » . [31] and reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari from Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah said: « umrah to expiation for them, and accepted Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise » . [32] and reported in Sunan women from Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah said:« Jihad great and the weak and women: pilgrimage » . [33] and reported in Sahih Bukhari for Aisha , she said : I said to the Messenger of Allah , O Messenger of Allah , we see jihad best work do you not strive ? said:« but the best of jihad accepted Hajj » . [34] and reported in Sahih Muslim Aisha , she said : The Messenger of Allah said: « What on most of those God in him a slave of the fire from the day of Arafa » . [35] Types of Pilgrimage Divided in terms of the nature of the pilgrimage rites into three types : God calls pilgrims at the Grand Mosque . Ag enjoy: It means that al-Haj intends to first perform Umrah and in ten days the first of the month of December , and then deprive them of Miqat , and says: Here umrah , the head Hajj then to Mecca , according to the jurisprudence Jaafari should not be shading across sit under Maihjb the sky like the roof of a building or roof transportation of cars and other during the transition to Mecca for men and doing it is wrong he expiation for men, and having access to Mecca is forbidden Umrah from wandering and seeking , then decays of Ihram dereliction , [36] and replace him everything, even women, and remain so to the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah is forbidden pilgrimage leads مناسكه the stand Arafah and ifaadah , and the pursuit and elsewhere, [36 ] then he will have led a full Umrah then I follow Bmanask Hajj also complete . The pilgrimage to enjoy the best kinds of Hajj when Hanbali and Shiites, and is required to enjoy the health that combines Umrah and Hajj in one travel , and in the months of Hajj , and in one year. [36] Ag Koran : It means that intends to Haj when Ihram Hajj and Umrah together and says: Here Hajj and Umrah , [37] then head to Mecca and cruising Cruising come , and it remains a taboo that is due Hajj, فيؤديها full of stand Arafah , throwing embers of Aqaba, and other rituals , [37] and not on the Haj to cruise and seeks again for Umrah but enough cruising pilgrimage and his quest , so what is stated in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah said to Aisha : « tawaaf House and between Safa and Marwa enough for Hajj and umrah » . [38] the pilgrimage Koran the best types of pilgrimage when Alohnav . [37] Ag individuals: It means that intends to Haj when Ihram Hajj only say : Here pilgrimage then head to Mecca and cruising Cruising come , and it remains taboo to the time of the pilgrimage , leading مناسكه to stand Arafah and overnight in Muzdalifah , throwing embers of Aqaba, and other rites , [39] even If the degradation ritual finished second out of Mecca and deprive again Umrah structure - willing - and led Mnaskha . And individuals the best types of asceticism when Shaafais and Maaliki ; argument because the Prophet they were individuals. Rites Timings Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed articles : Meeqaat months of Hajj Meeqaat century houses. Divided Times pilgrimage to Times temporal and Times of spatial , [40] Timings temporal are the months specified to be for so for Hajj , [41] and these months are November , December and has a argument, and specifically of the first month of Shawwal to the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah . The spatial meeqaats are places set by the Prophet Muhammad who wants to be denied to perform Hajj and Umrah, [42] as follows: Allied with : now called Ali, wells Timings far from Mecca , which Miqat dedicated to the people of Medina [43] and all of them came from her family , and away from about 18 km . Handsome : It Meeqaat people Levant and Egypt and all the countries of the Maghreb and who was behind it, [43] has ceased to exist this village now , and what was adjacent to the city of Rabigh and close to it was replaced by the city of Rabigh became is the alternative Miqat . Century houses : Also called Meeqaat the great flood , which Miqat dedicated to the people of Najd , and the Arab Gulf states , and behind them , [43] and away from Mecca, about 74 km approx. Yalamlam : It Meeqaat people of Yemen , and anyone who passes that way , and called Miqat this name in relation to the Mount Yalamlam in Tehama . [44] With the sweat : is Meeqaat of the people of Iraq and beyond , [ 44 ] and this Miqat not mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Timings , but was determined by the Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab . [44] Meeqaat the people of Mecca : the people of Mecca are deprived of their homes or the Grand Mosque if they like it , [ 45 ] However , for Umrah , they have to go out to the borders of the campus Ihram either smoothing or Arafa . [46] Timings . Allied with Handsome Century houses Yalamlam Sweat Mecca Timings sites . Ihram Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed articles : Ihram Ihraam Sacred Mosque Stages of the pilgrimage . Ihram is the first pillar of the pillars of Hajj , which is the intention to engage in asceticism coupled with an act of pilgrimage Kaltalpah , [47] It is the duty of the duties of Ihram sense that the legacy of a ransom , either to slaughter a sheep , [48] or fast for three days, or feed six poor . [47] If you arrived a Muslim to Miqat and wanted to deprive mustahabb for him to cut his nails and removes pubic hair , and washed and ablutions . [49 ], and then wears then clothes Ihram, for men Phelps wrapper and robe أبيضين pure , but a woman Vtalps what you want of dress embankment without adhere to color specified, [50] but avoid to the Ahramha wearing the niqab and gloves . [50] then pray Haj rakahs Ihram, [51 ] and then intends to subsequently pilgrimage with his heart or his tongue , either Haj tamattu says: Here umrah It will perform Umrah first before the pilgrimage , the Hajj yoke and says: Here Hajj and Umrah , The Haj singular says : Here pilgrimage . Ihram clothing . Ihraam intended to things that prevent Muharram who did it because ihraam , [52] and is divided prohibitions to prohibitions common among men and women, and prohibitions for women and other men , and the prohibitions common is hair removal, manicure , [52] intercourse or direct women to lust, perfume any situation fragrance in the body or in the clothing of Ihram , kill hunting rabbits , deer , etc., and the marriage contract. [52] the prohibitions of men are wearing clothing المخيطة , [53] which is to wear clothes and the like, which is detailed in the form of the body Kaalghemas or pants , [ 53 ] as it deprives landing semen Bastnme or intercourse , [53] and head covered Bmlasq the , Ktaqah and the like. The prohibitions of women are wearing gloves or niqab . [54] outlawed the act of Muharram ignorance or forgetfulness or compulsion there is no sin on him nor ransom , [55] although do outlawed forbidden to need it , there is no sin on him but it ransom. [56] If completed Hajj ihraam out of Miqat , if reached Mecca فدخلها desirable for him to say : Oh God, this Ahramk and your security , forbidding flesh and blood on the fire and security of Amapk day send slaves and make me one of أوليائك and the people of obedience , O Lord of the Worlds , [ 57] and when he enters the mosque Grand says: There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the greatest O peace and you peace blessed O The glory and honor , O Z this house honor and out of respect and honor and solemnity and the elevation and land, وزد of the Ministry of honor and veneration and honor and solemnity , and the elevation of the land , [57] for the pilgrims tamattu who shall perform Umrah first Tawaf and then decomposes quest ihraam , and remain so to the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah is forbidden pilgrimage then go to Mina to spend the day perfusion . The Hajj yoke and singular فيطوف the tawaaf of arrival and remains a taboo - to - day eighth Viuge to Mina to spend the day perfusion . Day perfusion Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed articles : perfusion Day Mona Pilgrims on the day of perfusion . Day ischemia is the day of the eighth month of Dhu al-Hijjah , and was called by that name because people were Ertoon it from the water in Mecca and out him to Mina , where he was non-existent in the days to enough until the last day of the days of Hajj , [58 ] [59] for the pilgrims yoke and singular understanding remain on Ahramanma of Miqat , the Haj tamattu is forbidden pilgrimage , [60] and is desirable to deny him the morning before disappearing , head Hajj then to Mina to spend the day and overnight , and overnight in Mina year and not a duty ; sense that Hajj if submit to Arafa pending in Mina on the night of the ninth is not nothing wrong with him , [61] and Mona desert area , about 7 km north-east of Mecca on the road link between Mecca and Muzdalifah, [62] and is recommended for the pilgrims lot of prayer and Talbiyah during the period of his stay in Mina , 63] as a pilgrim to perform the noon prayer and afternoon prayer and the sunset prayer and evening prayer palace without collecting ; sense that each prayer pray individually , [63 ] and then spend the night there, and pray Hajj then dawn prayers goes out of Mona heading to Arafat to spend the greatest day of Hajj . Day of Arafah [edit] Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed articles : the day of Arafa Mount Arafat Muzdalifah Pilgrims , and on Mount Arafat on the day the same name holder . Day of Arafat is the ninth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah , which is the most important pillars of Hajj, were numerous stories that talk about insulting label Arafa that name, but the two versions most confirmation namely; that Abu humans Adam Altqa with Eve and Tarefa after they came out of paradise [64 ] In this and this place was called Arafah, [65 ] [66] and the second that Gabriel Prophet Abraham supernatant was show him the sights and Hajj says to him : أعرفت أعرفت ? He says Abraham: I knew I knew , This is called Arafa . [67] [68] located Arafa east of Mecca on the road link between them and the Taif about 22 km, an area of approximately 10.4 km ², away from the Mona about 10 km , and Muzdalifah about 6 km . And Orpah a broad plain, flat arc-shaped large , surrounded mountains parties to this arc, chord this arc is the valley of Arna . [69] It is bordered to the northeast Mount Saad, on the east by Mount أمغر , on the south chain JBELA black in color , while in the west and north it facing Western Arna Valley and the road link between Mecca and Taif. With sunrise ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah out Haj from Mona heading to Arafa to stand out, [70] and stand Arafah checks the existence of Hajj in any part of Arafa , whether standing or passengers or lying down , but if you did not stand Haj within the borders of Arafa specific on this day VFD champion argument, [71] [ 72] is a stand Arafah the most important corner of the pilgrimage , to the Prophet Muhammad: « Hajj Arafa it came before the dawn prayer on the night collection has been pilgrimage » . [73] There have been some hadith that talk about the virtues of this day including: Narrated Abu Huraira that the Prophet Mohammed , he said : « Allah boasts the people of Arafat, the inhabitants of heaven , and says to them : Look to Ebadi جاءوني Shaggier the Ghabra , [74] and Aisha narrated from the Prophet Mohammed , he said: « There is no day more of those God the slaves of the fire from the day of Arafa , and he for approaching reflected , then boasts of them before the angels and says: what they wanted ? Bear witness angels I have forgiven them » [ 75 ] A general view of Muzdalifah. Time to stand Arafah is the demise of the sun the day of Arafah to dawn the next day , the first day of Eid al-Adha [76] and pray Haj Zuhr and Asr provide Adhan one Aqamtin , [77] and is recommended for the pilgrims on the day of Arafa that a lot of prayer and Talbiyah That is because the Prophet Muhammad : The best supplication prayer day of Arafa and the good of what I said and the prophets before me there is no god but Allah alone with no partner to him be praise is over all things , [78] [79] remains pilgrims in Arafah until sunset , if the sun sets alienate pilgrims from Arafat to Muzdalifah to spend the night out, [80] and pray with Haj Maghrib and Isha delay; sense to delay the Maghrib prayer until the time for dinner, [81] and is recommended for the pilgrims lot of prayer and supplications, and provide themselves with Haj gravel and the 70 pebble [82] (above the size of chickpeas and less than hazelnuts ) [82] in order to throw stones all, and then spend the night at Muzdalifah until dawn to pray , then go Hajj to Mina to throw cinder biggest obstacle . Eid al-Adha Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed articles : Eid al - Adha cinder biggest obstacle ransoms and guidance ifaadah of The tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah is the day of Eid al-Adha , after dawn prayers go out Haj from Muzdalifah heading to Mina so as to throw cinder biggest obstacle , at the time flinging selected is the dawn of day Eid al-Adha to the dawn of the next day, [83 ] but the year to be flinging what between sunrise to go away , and may throw after sunset to dawn , but for some reason, upon the arrival of Haj cut Talbiyah [84] and recommended him to make me his right hand , and the Kaaba on his left , and cinder obstacle in front of him , and throwing off the bridge it any party whatsoever , 84] throw anthrax is so hit Alhsah in شاخص anthrax or fall in the circle surrounding it, and then the Hajj throwing pillar seven pebbles Mtaakabbat , raises his hand with each pebble, and grow up , saying, In the name of Allah, and Allah is the greatest , in spite of the devil and his party and the satisfaction of the Merciful . 85] شاخص cinder biggest obstacle . If completed Hajj of throwing cinder Aqaba the slaughter of sacrificial , [86] a camel Obakr or sheep , and of sacrifice and duty of Hajj tamattu and the interface only, [86] and is recommended to say when slaughtered or throat In the name of God and God is God you and yours, O Allah accept me it is Sunnah to slaughter a sheep on her side left in the direction of Qibla, and is recommended for the pilgrims to eat them and the charity of them, [86] and extends the time of slaughter until sunset on the third day of the days of al , and may for the pilgrim to slaughter in Mina or in Mecca, [87] and so The Prophet Muhammad: «All Arafa position and all Mona Mnhr all Muzdalifah position and all Glens Mecca through Mnhr » . [88] then, if completed Hajj from the slaughter of sacrificial those who have a heyday , shaved his head or his palace, and the throat is better for men because the Prophet Muhammad called mercy and forgiveness to Mahgayn three times and failing once , but a woman not only by default that you take every century as much as your fingertip or less . After throwing cinder Aqaba and throat or omission is permitted for Muharram everything it ihraam forbidden except women and called this first decomposition , [ 89] If the first biodegradable Haj decomposition mustahabb for him to Attaib and recommended for him to يتنظف and wearing the best clothes . [89] Go Hajj after previous work to Mecca roams around the Kaaba , and this is called wandering ifaadah , a corner of the pilgrimage, was mentioned in the Quran in the verse : Ra bracket.png then spend Tfethm and يوفوا vows and circle the house old Aya-29.png La bracket. png, [90] then prayed two behind the Maqam Ibrahim is recommended to drink Zamzam water . After wandering and prayers rakahs seeks Haj between Safa and Marwa in case if Haj enjoying , [91] because the quest I was for Umrah but this quest Vlhadj , The Haj Comparison and singular only has to seek one, the had couriers after tawaaf of arrival suffice it all seeking after ifaadah , and only sought after ifaadah , [ 91] and thus degrades Haj second decomposition , and replace him everything it ihraam campus even women , [ 92] then the Hajj then return to Mina to spend the night out days Tashreeq . Days Tashreeq [ edit] Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed articles : days Tashreeq bridge embers embers Aqaba Throw stones . The days of al are the three days that follow the Day of Sacrifice , which days atheist century, and the twelfth , and thirteenth of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah , and named a few days Tashreeq because people were Icherqon where the meat sacrifices and Aprzunha of the sun, [93] and was told because prayer Eid al-Adha held after sunrise and that these days follow the feast day became known as days Tashreeq , [93] In these days , the pilgrims throw pebbles three Minor Grand Central , and then , respectively. [94] eleventh day which first days of Tashreeq , where the pilgrim throw pebbles three successive start from the time of the meridian until sunset , [95] and each time throwing Haj seven pebbles and grow with each pebble, then standing to pray , except cinder biggest obstacle فينصرف after throwing directly, [96] and eliminates Haj spent the night in Mina, as well as in the second and third days of al . After throwing the second day of Tashreeq may pilgrims Almtagelin out of Mina before sunset and go to Mecca, and called it Balinver first , [97] As of late out of the Mona ; , he must spend the night , and throwing stones at the third day of Tashreeq and out after that, The so-called the second Alinver . [97] Farewell Circumambulation around the Kaaba. Crystal Clear app kdict.png a detailed article : farewell After the end of pilgrims from stoning and leave Mina , and they wanted to get out of Mecca and return to their countries after the completion of the rituals , they must be carefully chosen farewell , [98] that the circle around the Kaaba seven runs , and pray behind the Maqam Ibrahim rakahs conclusion of the rituals and be the last reign mosque Sacred prior to their departure to Mecca, and it was proven in Saheeh Muslim from Abdullah bin Abbas , he said: People go out in every way , said the Prophet Mohammed : «No Ernfrn one to be the last reign House » , [99] in the sense that Cruising farewell and the duty of every pilgrims, mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Abdullah bin Abbas , he said: the people were commanded to be the last reign at home , but it eased for menstruating women , [100] in the sense that menstruating or bleeding following childbirth are not required to perform circumambulation not even a ransom, after the completion of wandering out from Mecca pilgrims returning to their home countries . Hajj rituals in the Shiite perspective Crystal Clear app kdict.png a detailed article : when Shiite pilgrimage Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf , where he was buried Ali ibn Abi Talib According to the most common version . This mosque is one of the most important Shiite shrines at , where they visited during the pilgrimage season to visit Mecca side . Mosque of Imam Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib in Karbala , Iraq . The pilgrimage when Shiites 3 sections also not true pilgrimage only one : Enjoy , and music videos, and individuals . [101] It was narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Hasan isnaad from Saad bin Abdullah, for Abbas and Hassan , Ali , the residual , for Sid, about Muhammad bin Al Hussein, for Safwan, for Sid, about Abu Abdullah , he said in the interface : Do not be WEDDING only context sacrifice , and it Tour of the House, and two rakahs when Maqam Ibrahim , and the pursuit between Safa and Marwa , and Cruising after Hajj , a Tour of women , and the tamattu Umrah to the pilgrimage he three rafts House , and Saian between Safa and Marwa . [102] as well as believes Shiites should enjoy the best pilgrimage , for tamattu If the Mecca Tour of the House, and two rakahs when Maqam Ibrahim , and the pursuit between Safa and Marwa , then shorten has permitted this for Umrah and it for Hajj طوافان , and seek between Safa and Marwa , and pray at each Tour de rakahs House when Maqam Ibrahim . The singular for Hajj he Cruising House and rakahs when Maqam Ibrahim , and the pursuit between Safa and Marwa , and Cruising the visit , a Tour of women and he does not have the guidance and sacrifice . [102] As for the Times Hajj are the same when the Sunnis and the community . [103] The Shiites visit Medina after work Hajj إتماما for pilgrimage , it is almost obligatory. There must visit the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah and visit Fatima Zahra Shiite does not know her grave specifically , but they visit remotely from different places. As well as visit the Baqi cemetery buried where four of the Shia Imams in addition to a lot of characters that Aazmha Shiites of companions and others. Besides weather grandfather to the Kaaba in Mecca , the Shiite Muslims strain travel to shrines and tombs of Shia Imams , and visit the tomb of Ali ibn Abi Talib , the cousin of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad bin Abdullah, and his son, Hussein bin Ali , stand at these shrines and pray . It was narrated from mustahabb to visit the graves of the imams to San Muhammad , son of Jacob , Abu Ali al - Ashari , al-Hasan bin Ali Kufi , [ 104] Ali bin Mhazeear , Musa bin Qasim said : Hajj in Islam, I said to Abu Jafar second : You may want to أطوف about you and your father, I was told : The Guardian is not brought round for them , he said: Yes, Taf what you can, it is permissible, and then I told him after that three years : I was a Astazntek in circumambulation about you and your father , فأذنت me in it, Vtaft Ankma God wills, then took place in my heart , nothing worked , he said: What ? I said: floated days from the Messenger of Allah , he said three times: peace be upon the Messenger of God, then the second day of the faithful , and then floated on the third day from al-Hasan , and the fourth for Hussein, and the fifth for Ali Bin Al Hussein , the sixth day from Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Ali , and on the seventh day from Jafar ibn Muhammad , and on the eighth day of your father Moses, the ninth day of the father of Ali, and the tenth day for you , sir, and those convicted of Gods mandate , he said: If God condemns Gods religion that does not accept from subjects other , and I said : Perhaps floated your mother Fatima, may not أطف , said : استكثر of this it is the best youre running , God willing.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:26:28 +0000

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