Hakim in his Mustadrak, Hafiz Abu Na’aim in Hilya; Tabrani in - TopicsExpress


Hakim in his Mustadrak, Hafiz Abu Na’aim in Hilya; Tabrani in Ausat; Ibn Asakir in ta’rikh; Muhammad Bin Yusuf Ganji Shafi’Ii in Kifayatu’t-Talib; Muhibu’d-din Tabari in Riyau’n- Nuzra, …, and Suyuti in Durru’l-Mansur narrate from Ibn Abbas, Salman, Abu Dharr and Hudhaifa that the holy Prophet said:”Soon after me a disturbance will take place. On that occasion it will be necessary for you to attach yourselves to Ali Bin Abi Talib since he is the first man who will clasp hands with me on the Day of Judgement. He is the most truthful one(الصديق الاكبر) and is the Faruq(فاروق) of his Community; he draws a distinction between right and wrong, and he is the chief of the believers.” In spite of all these hadiths the nation didn’t follow the Holy Prophet except a few numbers (shia of Ali) as the Holy prophet named them.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 18:45:42 +0000

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