Hal og Sidra Stone skriver: The Aware Ego Process ~ Sidra-Hal - TopicsExpress


Hal og Sidra Stone skriver: The Aware Ego Process ~ Sidra-Hal Stone It is difficult today to deal with so many people who come from extremist viewpoints from the right as well as the left. It is easy to hate them, to judge them, to abhor them and if you listen to peoples daydreams to even kill them or injure them. I dont have a problem when I have a judgment because I have learned over the years that anyone I may hate or judge with a passion is one of my own disowned selves. My judgments have become one of my most profound teachers. If you hate conservatives and serious right wing people then there lives in you a conservative/right wing viewpoint. The reality is that conservative and liberal viewpoints live in all of us but one is generally primary and one is disowned. Many years ago I was someone who held these judgments based on my own liberal, left wing primary self systems. As Sidra and I began to work with our opposites on these issues, Sidra facilitated my left wing/liberal anti conservative primary self system and I began to separate from it. We dont judge energy but we do learn to divorce selves to which we are married. We dont bury these primary selves nor do we diminish them. They have a chance to speak but soon we discover that they are Selves and that they are only one part of us. This is what the development of of the Aware Ego Process is all about. After a number of sessions of this kind, ultimately she asked to talk to my own Inner Conservative. Because I had gotten the psychological divorce first I was open to it and for the first time I allowed myself to experience this inner conservative part of myself and I can tell you that it had a good deal to say. I had really buried these feelings. One evening a week or two after this work that we did I was at a movie theater where there were a multitude of newspapers of all kinds. One of them caught my attention and it was really a smut sheet and suddenly I felt the anger and rage of my conservative and his upset and concern that my children and step daughters might well be poisoned by this. At that moment I became conscious of these two opposites. The were both real. I didnt just think them but I also felt them deep in my gut. On the one side was the long standing voice of the liberal side, the understanding side, the need to let people be and do what they needed to do. On the other side, newly discovered, was a very conservative person who wanted limits set to this abuse of common decency. And so who is right and who is wrong? There is no right and wrong. This is dualistic thinking. By feeling both sides I am in a much better position to create change because I am no longer polarized by either or. This is the essence of the development of The Aware Ego Process. Our culture is so filled with judgments that it is oftentimes very funny. We get into a rage or a negative passion because someone has gotten into a rage or a negative passion and we are not aware that we are bathing in Lake Righteousness. Whether from the left or the right, bathing in this lake solves nothing and never will. It takes courage to stand between oppositional selves. It takes real courage to stop and see and heal and feel the enormous power of our own own dark natures. It takes real courage to feel the feelings of the people on the other side. One of my favorite quotes of C.G. Jung went as follows: The Unconscious is Unconscious. ( It is best spoken with a German or Swiss accent ). Really and truly I have lived for so many years that I no longer really know if Jung said this or not. If not, then it sounds like him and it is his kind of message. I would change it to say: The Unconscious is Unconscious is Unconscious to the tenth power. Many spiritual people try to kill judgment because they feel that judgments are bad. By doing this you lose one of the most potent avenues available to in developing an ongoing consciousness process. If we pay attention to our dreams then we will learn that the dream ego generally gives us a picture of our primary selves in action If you pay attention to your daydreams you will find the daydream you to be your disowned selves in action. Try just stopping and listening to your daydreams for here we have a giant storage unit of the unconscious activity and feeling and action that is grounded in our disowned self system. The challenge we all face together is to help the unconscious world of the psyche become conscious. This is the challenge we have all accepted at some level if you are playing in the playing field of Sidra and Hals Facebook page. When you get depressed about the world or it you get angry at bad things happening, just pause for a moment and find someone who is annoying you or depressing you and get some help figuring out what are the selves that are disowned in you that are activated by the behaviors or your brother or sister or aunt or step mother. What a gold mind of judgments we all live in. We just have to learn how to mine the gold. We need to do it together! We all need each other because the job is too big to do it alone. However, we can only do it together when we have dealt with the profoundly judgmental nature that belongs to each one of us. And please please please dont think for one moment that you are one of those mature spiritual human beings who doesnt have any judgments at all. I can only say to you that --Ze unconscious iz unconscious iz unconscious.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 11:03:51 +0000

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