Halal certification Islamic tax Every time you buy groceries from - TopicsExpress


Halal certification Islamic tax Every time you buy groceries from the supermarket it’s most likely you’re paying an Islamic tax to the government of Saudi Arabia. Today, around 80 per cent of supermarket food produce from Australia’s largest and most iconic brands are Halal Certified. An estimated 500 Australian based food companies pay this Islamic tax which is passed on to you at the checkout. This tax, masquerading as Halal Certification, is a modern version of an Islamic tax called ‘Jizya’. It was first imposed by Muslims who had conquered non-Muslims, who became subservient to Muslims, but did not wish to convert to Islam. They paid the tax in order to have their lives spared and were then known as dhimmis. This institution has its roots in the origins of Islam, 1400 years ago. Halal Certification fees can be viewed as a modern implementation of the Jizya tax on dhimmis via the supermarket shelf. Iconic names and brands like Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, Cadburys, Nestle, Kraft, Byron Bay Cookies, Kellogs, Sanitarium, Four and Twenty pies are among the household names collecting this jizya style tax from non Muslims in Australia. Most companies are told by Islamic Halal Certifiers, that this is a fee to grow their export markets. The food producers who are coerced into paying these certification fees, have no clue or real understanding of the history of this Islamic tax or that they are being used as Jizya collectors (few food producers would have heard of the term). The certification fees are paid by the food producers but the cost is passed on to you, the consumer, by the retailer. When Mohammed began his career as a prophet, his first strategy was to try to persuade people to join him. Initially this was not a great success as he gained only around 11 new followers a year for the first 13 years. Once he moved to Medina however, his new tactic was to incorporate banditry into his religion. His followers would attack and kill people and steal their wealth. This attracted far more followers and the money began to pour in, but there was a flaw in this new model... you can only kill and rob someone once. Then one day, Mohammed and his men attacked and looted a Jewish settlement named Khybar. The Jews there were skilled farmers and negotiated an agreement with Mohammed. They suggested that, if he were to spare them, they would continue to work as ‘dhimmis or semi-slaves and would pay him 50 per cent of their earnings as a form of tax, or protection money which became known as ‘Jizya’. This new tactic gave Mohammed and the Muslims an ongoing source of income from his conquests, rather than just one off windfalls. This option was only allowed to Jews and Christians in Mohammed’s time, but it became so lucrative that when the Muslims conquered Northern India, much later on, they extended this system to the Hindus, even though it went against basic Islamic doctrine. This tactic of forcing non-Muslims to pay a tax to Muslims has been the default Islamic position ever since. This was also a part of the larger strategy of economic warfare waged by Islam which would gradually bleed non-Muslims of any wealth and influence while strengthening Islam. MODERN DAY JIZYA In recent times, this new and insidious scam has been surreptitiously rolled out without any fanfare, but has left most non-Muslims in the Western World now paying a tax to the Muslims through their food and product purchases. Opting out of this scheme has become incredibly difficult. The way it works is this: Muslims approach food producers and manufacturers of almost every item thats sold and insist that they pay an ongoing fee to be able to continue to sell their produce and goods as Halal Certified. If the producers refuse, they will be threatened with exclusion from Islamic export markets and boycotted by Muslims in the home market. This has already happened in Australia with devastating results. Those who still refuse are labelled as bigots and Islamophobes. These sums of money are not inconsequential, we are talking about up to $40,000 per month for a single chicken producer. When all the food producers and manufacturers in Australia are added up, we are talking about an enormous transfer of wealth from non-Muslims to Muslims. The most worrying aspect of this whole sorry affair is that we have no guarantee that the money is not being used to fund violent jihad around the world against both Muslims and non-Muslims. Given the amount of Islamic violence currently raging, this is a very real concern. In an article in the Sydney Morning Herald on 10th September 2005, it was reported that a conflict was raging between two rival Islamic groups in Australia over the rights to the lucrative Halal Certification business. The article quoted one Islamic group which had accused the other of using Halal Certification to fund extremists (aka terrorists). That’s not an ill-informed non-Muslim accusation. It’s an accusation made by Muslims themselves. Mr Shafiq Khan, a powerful Australian Muslim businessman with links to the Saudi Government and the Islamic affairs Ministry, was challenged by local Turkish Islamic rivals for control of The Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia. They accused Khan of having used Halal funds for his own business purposes. The head of the AFIC at the time, Mr Amjad Mehboob, supported Mr Khan as it was feared it would be disclosed where the money from Halal rights was going. The SMH reported that the Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia was in the hands of Mr Khan’s rivals who had taken him to court, and that neither he nor his backers in the AFIC were happy about it. While they were careful not to name anyone, they had claimed that money from the Halal meat rights could end up in the hands of Islamic extremists. We have complained to the Saudi authorities that a handful of people are controlling millions of dollars coming into the organisation, Mr Mehboob said. We know there are some groups that are spending heaps of money, bringing in people from abroad, radical and extremist imams, who are giving inflammatory talks in this country. Who is funding them? Again, it is not we who are saying this, it was the head of the largest Islamic organisation in Australia! But today whenever concerned non-Muslims ask the same question, they are dismissed as ‘racists’ and ‘bigots’. It’s been shown in Canada, the USA, Europe and the UK that Halal Certification funds are laundered through tax exempt ‘charities before being diverted to proscribed terrorist organisations. pickeringpost/story/how-the-saudis-spend-your-grocery-money/4189
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:20:51 +0000

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