Half and Full Iron Distance Race - Saturday 27th September On - TopicsExpress


Half and Full Iron Distance Race - Saturday 27th September On Saturday 27th September, a full line up of half and full Iron distance triathletes (solo and relay) crossed the finish line, without a single DNF. With the usual 07:00am start time in the water, the half iron triathletes would be finishing around lunch time, and the full iron triathletes around bed time ! As they clocked up their mileage, something parallel to the race was happening, The Family, without agenda, without question, and with genuine commitment, rallied round and weaved this ineffable energy into the race thread. Amanda Hyatt, Clare Milsom, Amanda Harman, Elle Breeds, Charlotte Taylor, Mikey, Nick, Issi, Adam Kann, Steve Burroughes, Paul Wilman, Mr Eogan, Claire Townsend, Keith Jackson, Steve McMenamin, Jane Millar, Kay McMenamin, Jessie Wilman, Mandy Jackson, Amy Jordan, Gordon MSTC, Fiona Campbell, Charlie Langhorne, EACH and EVERY single one of YOU MADE THAT DAY THE ABSOLUTE BEST THAT IT COULD BE........ Just a few examples I want to share:- Amanda Hyatt, (ultra distance runner extraordinaire) having swam a longer than planned half, then ran a half, went home, returned in the darkness, with her mountain bike and off she went. Alongside the full iron competitors, encouraging and distracting the runners through the dead mans shuffle ! Your positivity Amanda, truly has absolutely no scale, no measure, youre an absolute pleasure to be around !!!!!!!! :-) Clare Milsom, you just couldnt go home :-) your support for the iron distance athletes had a genuine warmth about it. Following your own relay half iron race, you left the event to go home, then re appeared, busy as a bee, mindful of Andrew, Graham and Jody out there on the course. It was as if you just couldnt leave them out there, to fight on their own. Buzzing past transition with athlete updates and requests, then Im going home now five minutes later re appeared out of the darkness, offering yet more support :-) wonderful person you are Clare :-) Elle Breeds, barely recognisable not wearing sports clothes, appeared with her spare bicycle, and despite being dressed like a lady that does lunch and racing Hever the next morning, got on her bicycle and joined jody East on the bike course halfway through the first 56 miles of the 112 :-) Amy Jordan, youve never been good at saying enough is enough :-) ran a 10k lap and cycled a 10k lap with Jody, during the marathon leg, despite knowing she was also racing the next morning at Hever, stayed in transition until midnight !! Fiona Campbell, new to the race scene, arrived to offer support early evening, reading the situation, drove all the way home, collected her bicycle, returned, and starting cycling the run course, supporting and keeping an eye on the 3 full iron athletes. Also stayed until midnight, despite having one of the busiest working schedules Ive ever known ! :-) Amanda Harman, racing the bike leg for her relay team, went home and re-appeared, with a magic hot drink COFFEE ! Having phoned into transition to check how the athletes might take their coffee :-) Who does that ?:-) Amanda waited at the turn point on the run course with a hot cup of coffee, in the chilly night air, priceless !!!!! Issi Doyle and Mikey, having completed a nearly 5k swim, you were both there til the very very end, Issi ran the last 3 miles with jody, to see her safely across the iron distance finish line, at 1:30am Sunday morning. Mikey, your selflessness when it comes to Issi racing, and the wider BTRS Family is genuinely priceless!! I know you dont do facebook, but I hope Issi will read this to your goodself, so you have some understanding of how appreciated your time is :-) Mr Eogan, how is it that you always know exactly when and where to show up, with your famous positivity, and on this occasion, with supplies from the fish and chip shop :-) you were definitely telepathic on Saturday night ! Hot chip shop chips, just what was needed, at precisely the right moment :-) Claire Townsend after swimming the first leg of the event, went home and brought her mountain bike with her. Supported Ironman Fireman Graham Caley in the darkness of the marathon leg. Steve Burroughes, kayak turnpoint in the swim leg, manned transition until almost midnight ! You Da Man ! :-) Keith Jackson, what a day you had ! After arriving home from work at 2:00am Saturday, then arrived in Transition at 6:00am, raced the huge 56 miles, and ran the 13.1 miles off the bike, and despite feeling rough, stayed until nearly 2:00am Sunday morning to offer your support, and see the iron distance athletes cross the finish line :-) This is what Im talking about when I say that something parallel was happening, I havent written about everyone and the way they made the event all that it could be. The success of Saturday, is this genuine and honest weave that we seem to have amongst The Family. You could have racked and raced, collected your medals, headed home and felt good about pushing yourselves through the distance, to cross the finish line. BUT, what you all created, without really knowing, was THE most PERFECT Half and Full Iron Distance Event, I could have asked for. You guys are bloody brilliant !!!! I will shut up now Best, as always Kurt
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 07:13:03 +0000

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