Half sleeves with tomatoes and anchovies Difficulty: very - TopicsExpress


Half sleeves with tomatoes and anchovies Difficulty: very low Preparation: 5 min Cooking time: 10 min Serves: 4 people Presentation Half sleeves with tomatoes and anchovies are a first course of fast preparation, suitable when you have only a handful of minutes to cook something tasty, simple and tasty. The time required to boil water and boil the pasta is what you will do to prepare the tasty dressing and light of this dish. Ingredients Pasta half sleeves 400 gr Anchovies (anchovies) in salt 15 Tomatoes cherry 20 Garlic 1 clove Oil virgin olive oil 5 tablespoons Chili fresh few pieces Basil a few leaves Salt to taste Preparation Half sleeves with tomatoes and anchovies Begin the preparation of this recipe by boiling the pasta in plenty of lightly salted water. Wash the tomatoes and cut into quarters. In a frying pan over moderate heat, then brown the garlic in hot oil, add the fresh chilli seeded and chopped, and then clean the anchovies, making them dissolve in the oil. Half sleeves with tomatoes and anchovies Stir in the tomatoes then also, sauté in oil over high heat, until they begin to soften, but not completely fall apart. At this point, savory (not too much because the anchovies are already salted). Drain the pasta in the sauce and sauté briefly , then place it in the serving plates and serve piping hot garnished, if you like, with the basil leaves and rolled anchovies.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 10:17:12 +0000

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