Half way through November. I committed to preaching all month - TopicsExpress


Half way through November. I committed to preaching all month long on Family, Friends, and Personal Evangelism. Here is what I have learned thus far through my own studies, preparation, and presentations... Family - This one is the hardest. Sometimes they hold past experiences, grudges, and their own personal satisfactions between the invitation to either come to Christ, or to come back home to the church. I have been preaching now for almost 6 full years and still have close family that will not come and either study with me, or even to hear how I have changed my life in that time. And it hurts. Makes me want to give up at times. Friends - Well...lets just say I have lost my share of friends by trying to help spread the gospel of Christ. I understand why this happens I think, but also believe that the friends that I try so hard to get to listen miss the fact that I love their souls so much that it is worth continually trying over and over...even when they dont respond, or even show an interest. Personal Evangelism - This one has been the most confusing for me. I have been pushing myself to get more active in personal evangelism in our community, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the interactions with others. I truly thought that this would be highly contagious. Its not. I am not sure if it is a complacency thing, a comfort issue, laziness, uneasiness, or just no desire for others to know about Christ and His church. I am thankful for those that reach out in any way that they can. I have had older folks that have spent 15 minutes telling me about their grandsons divorce that would affect the cat and dog that stay at their house when it is all said and done...and that is what they needed. Some folks I have visited have hugged my neck (even as a stranger sort of), while others have not been welcoming at all, and very unkind in their words. At the end of the day, though, the feeling that I have done something for Christ and that this will not come back void...well, that makes it all worth it. After all...I had some great mentors that helped me get where I am today spiritually, and for that I am thankful. If I can just be an influence on one soul...To God be the glory! Seeds are ready to spread, water is flowing freely, and the field will be white to harvest and God will give the increase! Lets get to work!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:36:07 +0000

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