Hallelujah Hi So Love This Song Expositional Preaching - TopicsExpress


Hallelujah Hi So Love This Song Expositional Preaching Rap Expositional Preaching Rap 16/07/2011 by: Steven in: Blog I’m currently listening to ‘The Church: Called and Collected‘ – a Reformed Rap/Holy Hip Hop collection which walks through Mark Dever’s ‘The Nine Marks of a Healthy Church’. It’s biblically faithful and devastatingly clever. My favourite track so far is Shai Linne’s ‘Expositional Preaching’. Here it is with lyrics I’ve transcribed (so please excuse any errors). I hope you’ll find it as encouraging as I have. 2 Timothy 4:1-2, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (English Standard Version) Soli deo Gloria – yeah, once again, it’s the church man, called and collected there’s alotta confusion about what makes up a healthy church so we gonna look at the first mark cos without this one you’re in bad shape, let’s do it Verse 1 With our raps we adore our Master and Lord Jesus Christ who deserves all our claps and applause For the wrath that he bore At the cross for our blasphemous thoughts and the classless acts of a whore! He gave up His life with a passionate roar Was raised up to heights where He sat at before After this all he gave Pastors the call to ministry found in Second Timothy chapter 4 Verse 1 and 2, what I first wanna do is come to you the church to reverse a funny view So let me ask a question: What’s most essential, what is it that gives a local church its potential? Some would say, ‘Music’, some would say, ‘Deacons’ Other say, ‘Reaching the lost and soul seeking’ But if we wanna give God the glory in our meetin’s The most important thing is: Expository Preaching! Chorus 1 Where are the Whitfields? Where are the Spurgeons? To preach the word, to preach the word We sound theology to deal with reality Preach the word, so preach the word We’ve got enough rappers we need more pastors To preach the word, to preach the word We need explanation and deep application Preach the word, so preach the word This verse right here is for the congregation It’s whatcy’all need to be listening for Verse 2 Let me explain what I mean, it’s not too complex It’s preaching God’s Word in its proper context As you listen be discerning, what you have to determine: Was the point of the passage the point of the sermon? If not this problem must be confronted today ‘cos he just used the bible to say what he wanted to say (what?!) And even if it’s delivered with fire and intelligence that’s basically making what God has inspired irrelevant Instead of applying the Word’s realities a lot of Pastors are relying on personality But gifts of communication can never be a true replacement for the Holy Spirit’s illumination Without exposition you’ll lack major profit, all you’ll get is tradition and your Pastor’s favourite topics And that can be a slippery slope, the Word should be giving you hope, this dude is just giving you jokes That won’t help you love Christ, it won’t help your obedience We need more expositors, not more comedians (that’s right!) Expect for true labour in the text then faithfully connecting to the Saviour, then wait for its effects God gives the increase: holiness, love, unity. The Word faithfully preached builds up the whole community If not, your Sunday meal will not last and you’ll have to supplement it with the Podcast Chorus 2 Don’t entertain us, that won’t sustain us Preach the Word, so preach the Word Careful instruction, not a big production Preach the Word, so preach the Word We don’t need theatrics or man centred tactics Preach the Word, so preach the Word We’re on the brink of eternity, so please speak earnestly Preach the Word, so preach the Word This verse here is for the Pastors, I just wanna encourage y’all Verse 3 Y’all should be mindful of this devout thesis: all of the Bible is about Jesus! The Old Testament: Jesus Christ concealed The New Testament: Jesus Christ revealed! This truth of the Lord Christ boldly conveyed this in Luke 24 on the road to Emmaus The Law, the Prophets and the teachings of Apostles: all of these point back to Jesus and the Gospel So if the words of Christ is what the Word is about ultimately that should be what the sermon’s about (true!) Forget applause you gotta let the Cross rock ya All roads in the Bible lead to Golgotha Whatever the text faithfulness demands that we should hear the echo of nails hitting His hands Don’t try to be original, say the old story And watch your people change as they behold glory Chorus 3 The glory of Jesus we need to see this Preach the Word, so preach the Word Make Christ the centre so new life can enter Preach the Word, so preach the Word Give us the whole counsel along with the Gospel Preach the Word, so preach the Word This is your duty: to show us God’s beauty Preach the Word, so preach the Word! So that’s it man, that’s the charge in Second Timothy chapter 4 Paul tells Timothy, he charges him, to preach the Word And yo, there’s a lot of good resources out there Spirit Empowered Preaching, by my man Arturo Azurdia Christ-Centred Preaching, by Bryan Chapell The Supremacy of God in Preaching by John Piper Get these resources More than anything: dig into the Word of God, meditate on it and give it to your people.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:23:58 +0000

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