Hallelujah! This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and - TopicsExpress


Hallelujah! This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I don’t know about you. Warm welcome to the New Creation Channels.. This is a very lengthy post. Be patient and read through. Today, we want to follow up on what we discussed in our second to last post. Recall we said that God does not condemn us. He is not judging us again because of our failures because He has exhausted the Judgement on the body of Christ when He (Christ) bore our sins. If you are IN CHRIST, God is not angry with you no matter what you do or don’t do. He has only His love to give you, not wrath not judgement not condemnation. When He looks at you He rejoices over you in spite of those obvious failures you know about. This is not just psyching; it is a reality. Do you know that you are so valuable that God had to sell off everything He had to purchase you? The worth of a thing is reflected on the price tag. You are that precious that God had to kill His one and very beloved son, Jesus Christ to redeem you. Oh! How precious I am to my father. Expectedly, I got some reactions and questions on the validity of these points. Let me say I appreciate those of us that have reacted to this. As a child of God you have a right to disagree with a teaching that sounds strange but you must keep an open mind for new things you are not familiar with. If we are open to God and are discerning, the church will not be where she is today where we swallow everything that is said behind every pulpit. Martin Luther was open to the revelation that liberated the church from the Roman tradition. It was not popular. It was strange yet it was scripture .He maintained that Salvation is by faith not by works or penance and stuff like that. He went through a life time of struggle but truth triumphed. All you and I know is not all there is to know. Bear that in mind. One of the very important scriptures that will help us in our study of the word is that we should “study to show our selves approved; a workman that needs not be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH”. The greatest tragedy the church faces in terms of scriptural interpretation was reflected in what Jesus said about putting a new wine in an old wineskin and using a new garment to patch an old one. He said the wineskin will burst and the new wine will waste (not profitable). Also the old and new garment will be destroyed. He warned us to put the new wine in a new wineskin so as to preserve the new wine and the old wine skin. There is a dangerous mix up of the old covenant and the new. We are at a point that we are confused because of these discordant tunes. For instance, are we righteous by observance of the law or by obedience of faith? Another example is in the Old Testament and the law God said “I will visit the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation…” and while speaking of the era of grace He said I will forgive their trespasses and their sins I will remember no more. Placing these two statements side by side; which one stands? One more example, David prayed a prayer (and we pray the same prayer today) “create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence oh Lord; take not Your Holy Spirit from me….” But speaking of the New Testament God said “I will never leave you nor forsake you …. “ He also said” I will give them a new heart “You must know that not all that was true in the old order is true for today. You must receive grace to SORT these things to know which scripture is still applicable today as it was in the old and which is not. We do not carry out animal sacrifices today because they are no more relevant though they are commanded in the scripture. They were for the old order. Their relevance today is just to teach us of certain principles that have been fulfilled in Christ. Do you know that some people sincerely do it because they still find it in the Bible? They are sincerely wrong. Do you know that God never gave the law of the Ten Commandments to the gentile world? If you understand the purpose of the law you will appreciate the fact that it was never the intention of God to make anyone righteous through the law but to ESCALATE our sinfulness. Moses, through whom the law came spoke of the era of Jesus when he said “a prophet like unto me shall the Lord your God raise unto you and Him shall you hear in all things” God corroborating this said of Jesus “This is my Beloved Son…hear ye Him” The three major blocks God dealt with and is still dealing with are The Jews, The Gentiles and the Church. There are some scriptures that are mainly for the Jews though other blocks can learn from the underlying principle, however the direct application of such scriptures to the other blocks will be wrong. Grace does not set aside or invalidate the law but it fulfils the law. Think of these fundamental issues that we have raised in this edition and God of grace will enable your understanding of them. The way we read scriptures contributes to their poor understanding, misinterpretation and misapplication today. We read say 1 Samuel 1 today , tomorrow we read 2 Chronicles 16 and next tomorrow we read 2 Peter 3. How is this kind of staggered reading going to help in understanding scriptures in context of what they are saying? My humble suggestion is that you pick a book of the Bible and finish it asking questions like what is this scripture mainly talking about? Who primarily is this scripture talking to? Then, how do I come in here? Back to our main discussion. God is not angry with you anymore because when Jesus hung on the tree He bore all the sins you have ever committed and will ever commit in His body. God descended with the full cup of His wrath and Jesus drank of it and finished it. Let me remind you that before you were born and started committing sin; all your sins were in the future. They day you received Christ as you Lord and Saviour you simply identified with and appropriated what He has done for you. If you did not receive Christ it would still be true that He has borne your sins but it will not have profited you anymore than a cup of water in the hand of a thirsty man will profit him until he drinks that water. Let me worsen the whole thing for you by stating that God is not angry with unbelievers today. He is only “worried” that they are rejecting the gift of life in Christ the only remedy to suffering both for now and eternity. That is why God is injecting all His resources to getting them hear the gospel. If He is angry with them He wouldn’t even bother whether they are saved or not. The destructions we face in the world today due to unrighteousness are not the act of God but the manifestation of the “Devil who has come to steal, kill and destroy.”The more sinful the world becomes the more conducive environment the Devil has to work. Jesus said” he that believes (obedience of faith) is not condemned but he that believes not is condemned already because He has not believed in the name of the only begotten son (through whom only we can escape judgement and condemnation)”. Brackets are mine. Jesus will be making a wrong assumption to believe that once anyone believes he/she will not commit sin again. At least the reality that stares at our face shows that even after salvation, Holy Ghost baptism and what have you, no man, woman, pastor, Bishop, can stand and say in truth that even after 50 years of being born again he does not fail at any point anymore. Living outside Christ is living in condemnation. Living in Christ is living outside the reach of condemnation. We are not under condemnation because God has perfected our spirits forever (if you are in Christ). When we started on forgiveness we mentioned that sin is the nature of the Devil that took over our spirit when Adam sinned. The act of sin followed. Righteousness is the nature of God that has when we got born again (born of God). He became a sinner because of the sinful nature you inherited from the fallen Adam. In fact Adam was the only man created in God’s image. Every other man at best had a residual of this nature after Adam lost it. The next person after Adam that was born in and with God’s image was Christ. Every man in Christ at worse had a residual of Adam’s (sinful and death) nature but has the nature of the risen Christ. Note, fallen Adam as sin nature; Risen Christ as to Righteous nature. In your spirit man you are as righteous as you will ever be. You are no less righteous in your spirit now as you will be in heaven when you see Jesus face to face. Jesus is not any more righteous than you are now because you have His righteousness. From the day you accepted Christ till the day you seat at the feet of Jesus in heaven you are not going to improve on your righteousness in your spirit. It is complete; nothing lacking. Every nature God desires in you has already been fully planted in your spirit when you received His life-eternal life. The tragedy of our lives is that we describe ourselves not based our spirit nature but by the motions of our mind and body. They Devil through ignorance keep our eyes from the nature of God that is in us and keep them the motions that go on in our minds and body because he knows what we see is what we eventually become. See more of God’s nature in your spirit man and you will live it out in the physical. Focus on the weakness of your body and mind and your will brew more of sin and give the devil more opportunity to steal, kill and destroy. Let me state here that God does not employ Satan to bring condemnation to you so you can turn from sin. He is in no kind of partnership with the Devil. They more condemned you feel the more frustrated you are and the more sinful you become. The more you know of God’s righteousness, love and acceptance of you the holier you live pleasurably (no struggles). We still fall into sin today because of the residual of this sinful nature in our mind and body. Note, the man is a SPIRIT, has a SOUL (mind, emotions, intellect) and lives in a BODY (the earthly suit). The progression of sinfulness was from the spirit (that contacted the nature of the Devil), which is the fountain that flowed down to the soul and the body. Once the fountain was soiled, it was a matter of time and it spread to the soul and the body. The soul corrupted as a result of the mess of the spirit. The body only played along having no power of its own except in conjunction with the soul. Note again, the soiling of the spirit and acquiring of Satan’s nature was instant; the soiling and corruption of the soul was gradual. That is why once the death nature is in any man’s spirit he becomes a sinner whether he commits the act of sin or not. The man with this nature of the devil is a child of the Devil, act of sin or not. Also in Salvation, the man receives God’s nature in his spirit and becomes a child of God; act of righteousness or not. The unbeliever is by nature the child of wrath (not because of act of sin or not) but by rejecting God’s grace. The believer is by nature the child of favour and mercy. So the spirit of a believer becomes the fountain (being in union with the Spirit of God) that will need to flow to the soul to manifest the inherent Godly nature in it. But because the soul still has the corruption of the old man (the spirit in its state of death with Satan’s nature) it does not offer the new man the right environment to manifest. It is only corrected by flooding the water of the WORD over it to rid it of the mess. This is done in meditation and renewing of your mind. It is to the extent that you renew your mind with God’s word that you will see the outworking of salvation. It is as you keep meditating on the Word day and night that you make your way prosperous. When your mind and soul becomes compatible with you God-natured spirit, you keep your body in check. Your body will simply become a vehicle that your spirit and soul will ride in to manifest their nature. Until your mind is renewed it will join hands with your body to torment your God-natured spirit by not giving it the chance to manifest. Hence you keep manifesting sinfulness contrary to the nature in your spirit. The devil, the world, yourself and the church (should not be) now describes you by this manifestations of the motions of your un-renewed mind and body. God does not describe you by the working of the motions of your un-renewed mind and body but by your spirit in whom He has imparted His nature of righteousness. Based on this His description He works in and with you through His word to make your daily experience look like the nature He has imparted in you. He is for you and by your side even in your struggle with sin. He is not against you. He knows sin is not good for your system so he guides you away from it not as an angry uncompassionate God but as a loving and compassionate saviour who will stop at nothing to make you all He wants you to be. He knows that sin will open a door for the robber, the killer and the destroyer so He teaches and empowers you to live above sin and by the blood at the heavenly alter cleanses you from all unrighteousness in a bid to keep the Devil from hurting you and your destiny in Christ. God is not angry with you. It is true. It is the devil that is distorting the scriptures to make you feel that God will soon send fire to consume you because of your failures and sins. Our pulpit has been taken over by this spirit of condemnation because we think we hate sin more than God or we have become God’s secretary- telling God who to see and who not to see. Your body will never be born again or renewed; it can only be put under and placed in subjection by the combine forces of your righteous spirit and your renewed mind. It will only be transformed after death when Christ physically comes to the earth for the saints. Then mortality will put on immortality. For reactions, questions and answers mail newcreationchannels@gmail or call 07069743767. Remain blessed.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:45:34 +0000

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