Hallelujah! What a day! And where to begin! This morning as we - TopicsExpress


Hallelujah! What a day! And where to begin! This morning as we headed to the pastors conference we stopped by a pier on Lake Victoria to take some pictures. It was over cast and cloudy but beautiful! We finally made it to the church, and what a great start to a first time conference. Usually it takes the 2nd or 3rd year to get momentum building, but people came ready to receive the word! We are holding the conference in a slum outside of Homa Bay, and what a privilege it is to get to minister to people who are in such desperate need, both physically and spiritually. It rained almost all day, and so I was worried about the crusade tonight not being able to go on. But, the host pastor came to pick me up and told me that even in the rain the people were still waiting. I was thinking, ok, maybe 15 or 20 will be there, lets go check it out. I was FLOORED when I got there. Hundreds of people came and filled the front porches of buildings and under trees, some with umbrellas and some with nothing but their clothes soaked to their skin. I was overwhelmed! How could I not preach to men and women who have waited in the mud and rain to hear the Gospel. Even the worship team stood on the crusade stage soaking wet compelling men and women to come to know Christ through song. I preached a message on eternity, and what a response for the first night! Over 15 came forward for salvation! It was worth every penny I spent to get here just to see them come to the saving knowledge of Christ. Two Muslim men also raised there hands to accept Christ! I cant wait until tomorrow to see what happens! Please be in prayer for us tomorrow that the rains would subside and we would have a dry night to preach! How many more would come and hear if the weather permitted! I covet your prayers! Until tomorrow, Stephen PS. It was so muddy that one of the bishops took me to get my shoes cleaned! ( you will see in the pictures)
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:43:33 +0000

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