Hallelujah alhamdulillah mozel tov, today is a pretty big day for - TopicsExpress


Hallelujah alhamdulillah mozel tov, today is a pretty big day for Aulton! Hes thirteen weeks old, three months old and its his due date which means hes officially age corrected to term (preemies deal in corrected age to determine milestones and such, basically it means that the clock starts now for things like holding his head up, smiling, that kind of thing)! Last week at his 2 month well baby check he was 7lbs 8.4oz, and nearly 21 niches long and doing really well. Tomorrow we have our first follow up with pulmonary to see how the whole oxygen thing is going, God willing it will be just as good as everything else. He celebrated today with lots of cuddles and a quiet day. The night Aulton was born I didnt quite understand what we were in for. I knew it was scary and sad, but joyous and blessed all the same. In the last three months we have gotten used to things we never thought we would (Oh, a little Bradycardia? Pshh hes fine.) and others that I still struggle with (yes its three am, yes Im watching him breathe still, its called paranoia and I feel like Ive earned a small amount of it thank you.). The first picture is Aulton the night he was born, and the first I really saw him. I didnt want to share this picture for a long time for a lot of reasons most of them boiling down to not being able to rightly explain how I never really saw him this way. The second shot is Aulton tonight, to not just show how far, how impossibly far we have come in three months. Hes finally turned into the baby I always saw in the isolette, my sweet perfect boy. My proof that if your faith is strong, and you can trust in modern medicine, that the scariest thing can happen to you and everything can be okay.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:45:47 +0000

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