Hallo! I wanted to say thanks for adding me to this group, and - TopicsExpress


Hallo! I wanted to say thanks for adding me to this group, and also then share my most recent work: W O M B The work you are hearing now is designed for and of Vernal Equinox. Right away, based on the name of the first track, one should get a feel for the thrust in transition from Winter to the first day of Spring. W O M B is an appreciative effort - a Universal Collaboration - and a remembrance of Sacred Origin. So often, I see the greater symbol of the womb as being the depths of the Ocean. Also, since the furthest reaches back in primordial thought, the womb was where the sun was reborn in the coldest depths of a Winter Underworld. The work of this album is to shift perceptions - shed light upon it even - to the ultimate warmth and love that is the womb. I have even heard it called before as, The Art Studio of God - a concept I can appreciate, being myself born with many anomalies and off center qualities from a narrow view of born in good health. Here then, rather we acknowledge through these frequencies that just as the woman is made entirely of her being also in Light, and imbued with undiluted luminous quintessence, so to then, is the womb. We might figure then, to say it is Gods Art Studio, it should be of little wonder then that it is entrusted to the Woman. It should be of great wonder that the solar character - which is often associated to the seed as with the solar logos, or that famous winged globe, is equally male and female. The Feminine has this creative principle, just as in the animal kingdom we are given instances as the seahorse, where the Masculine has the womb. I view this engendering of consciousness as a collective recollection that has a priority thrust of monumental implications of the changes happening now in our chemistry/DNA/global communications - of instant electronic merged with the biorithmically quantum Teleos of the noosphere. Hence, the Vescica Pisces and the Sun together on the cover cover the W + M. Which, we know as Woman + Man. The water then becomes an amniotic plasma: it is Oceanic in nature, yet, fusion..utilizing the 4 Elements. As other famous quantum experiments of science and art have shown existing in a state of flux between Life and Death, and as our plain senses reveal, Light and Dark - so too we ever live and die and as Pendulum Sway Eternal along the artisan craft works of The Wheel of Fortunes Strange Attractor, along currents of the Great Magnet within the Greater Sacred Womb. At the same time, so importantly, are the prototypical Elders of an advanced race of Space-Time faring beings...both highly intellectual, but as the missing link is revealed in our fields of consciousness, we also uplift the heart along with as the intuitive factor of our evolution. Evolution is then a spiritual and even enchanted undertaking. As Mind is connected to the grammatical or empiric, and the molded development of the stages in shaping the sensory and well defined infrastructures of all known phenomenon interacted with - Heart is more connected with the numinous engagement of all realms of soul and more abstract investigations of imagination in bridge-working, more often called Chaos and associated with the more primordial and untethered regions of subtle chemistries, that is - the etherically charged. In passage to create a sustainable humanity in peak between these two, what we experience know in this current global alchemy lab, is the wonders and frustrations of the static and dynamic range in the New Spectrum we craft between the two as engaging the Triskelion, the driving purpose of the Womb is to develop this New Era of the Soul blending into Greater Spirit. We then literally create the parallel universe, as we are stationed here, and the station is none other than the Cosmic Womb, we might never forget this is the most sacred chamber of all Life, know and yet to be known. It isnt only the Earth, but the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe at large, it is this crucial around us in consciousness, and so this crucial internally of who we are...All Ways in the Eternal. The Womb is the place of dreaming - the dream of life - recalling the womb within as the Source of Light and Life is the Awakening, and at once, also Return to the Source. 1:02:13 run time ~
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:42:42 +0000

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