Hallo I was told by a friend to post this and see if maybe people - TopicsExpress


Hallo I was told by a friend to post this and see if maybe people out there wood help me and my small family outxx I feel bit bad about this becouse I like to try help evryone im a giver to others not taker and try give my kids the beet posable start I can with the littel I get or hav with out any family at all to help me throw anything its heart braking to look at my kids noing that thay hav no nans pops arnts cuzzens unkeks its sad I try make life happy and as cunfy as I can I struggel to keep food on tabel and nice things in my homes clean and respeterbul clothes (that r fashen and well I live week to week with buggeg all to make shour my littel family is happy and feels like I replace real with marterel but its not its gust trying to be the best muma I can alown or not try to be self made 4 my babys !! Well anyways I finely found a privet car for sail a nice reliabel desent pratcel uno safe for kids car and was i blesset I was abel to pay off slowly becouse coodent get any finase for car on a singel perent payment id gust had a baby so I was lucky becouse was despret to be abel to get him 2 speshelests and docs and well it was inposabel with no supott nor transport or anyone that gives a cear xxor anyone wood relly i hav only had myself to bild a posative clean helthy fucherning fucher for my new baby boy and my teenage girl for myself id worket so had saveing skraping sakrafising so much to do this finely had nice home fashanbel furnicher full cubberds and frezzer a butiful new baby boy and all he wood need no one ceard or helpet us tryed dage me down but I stuggeld fowerd and other than car seat and pramx wich I spent 356 on car seat and 580 on prame.with baby money ya get anywaymy boy was bout 12 mounth old and id got there I owend my frige frizzer washer dryer bedroom sweets my girl had her laptop and tablet so did I had nilly finishet paying them but finely was near there finely seeing stuff fall inti place only had 4 5 hundred left to pay on my car wich was 3800 plus did someing to it nedded fixing paid two extra so4000 all up anywsy I had togo hospitel for three days for resons I wont go right on bout anyways ,,when i reternd home I was horafide shatterd my house had been ramsaket and robed I had nothing worth anything left and whot was had been vandeld or trashet up also thay had yoused my car to rob me and stole that aswell wich also had my sons pram and seat in it the place wasent liveabel and u hadent pot inshrenc in place was sll gown bake to nothing others own lifes thingsmatterd more and dident get innportence as I do now but it was to late who ever dun all this dusent get how hard it was for me to make this home and house and bilde it out iff nothing but love and hope fath and ducken stuggel arfter struggel when that happends no one wood helo me no cear dus the the theffs realise how much we stuggeld to get that car and hav a home and whot we had ben thowe that home was all we had and the car wy do that to some one destroy a kids home and take all thay hav Litrely, gust rong and sad than im left agen wirh nuthing but strenth my determanashen to make shit right gen im struggeling badly my son is 2 now I replaset evrything paying nilly evry penny on food fernicher transport power nessestys iv saved up on top bout 5 6 hundred b92 meself hav had cuppel butiful people see my stuggel and one man gav my 100 toword new car for kids and nother cuppel donated us 30 and new pram4 buba xx few old friends chuket in 2o eachxx I wasent shour about doing this at fierst. But my friend said peopol wonner help people that has helpet them selfs and unfarseen stuff drages them bake down agen and agen evryone deservs a hand out off the rut life deals at timesxxwith out haveung to go bad or rob to get throw or become dependentvon numming meds paryhetik get nowere evryone needs people to cear and I deserv help to instead off always giveing with nothing ever reternd gotter get anuther car asap for my family it was takken and never reternd like evrything im despret need transport my boy docs school exsetear,,,,, I wont to go bake school get smart move up next step to my fucher not easy to be bake starting agen im 35 and this has relly shook up my beleave in my self so I thort id try thow and see.if god and luck is on my side for once like my lovely friend said if fifty peoply gave me 10$ each that wood be my car and insurens for twelv months and rego all up so fare we hav rased round 850 a relly lovely lady has got a jakaro 4wd small well looket arfter nice family waggen wich she had 6000 on arfter talking to her about my sichawashen she kindly dropet price to 3500 wich inclowded fresh 12munths rego so its a bargen now thanks to selfless kind people so now add around 4 5 for full rd side for twelv mounths and coverg for evrything is around 430 to 580 depending on wich opshen I take pluse new car seat so all up id need.4500 to get it all and be safly bake on rd to suckses agen rased and saved up 850 so trying to reach around 3500 so pls if anyone cood help out it all counts and is amensly apushsted and needed badly pls and any donashen to helping my case can be fowerd to bank account off myself or the lady whom owns the car or someone will calleket from any one or be fowerd an addrdss to post it to once iv got littel more rased up to pass over to owner off 4wd ill be takeing photos and if anyone wonts reseat for there donashens gust ask and thats fine once iv got car and its all got and dun I promice to post and tag evryone who seen itcin there hearts to help a vidio off me and kids in our new car and yas can see the face off the family the kids and well ya helpet save from the rut crime and drugd related crap and shit like whot happend to me and my kids help me pls ya kindnes is apushted beleva this wood meen so very muvh to this family thanks pls hear our beggx and help this family get out off this rutxx
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 07:36:32 +0000

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