Hallo there. A friend shared with me this great article below and - TopicsExpress


Hallo there. A friend shared with me this great article below and i would love to share it with you dear friend. enjoy the read! Jim Rohn has said there is literally nothing in this world that can stop you from achieving all your dreams in life. Isnt it amazing to think about? I take this advice very seriously, and I find it to be extremely true. When I think back to where my friend Tom got started in this business he was at rock bottom in a job that he hated... and now he lives on a beach in Thailand. It is literally amazing. The thing is its not like hes someone with the midas touch. He was just a guy that believed in himself and wouldnt take no for answer. Its comforting to know that thats all it really takes to get anything you want in this world. Which simply says that if you want something in life you can absolutely have it. You just have to want it bad enough, not take no for an answer, and play by the rules. One of the most important rules is that in life we dont get what we want so much as what we deserve. To get what you want all you need to do is make sure you deserve it. I speak to far too many people that want something, but dont want to go through the troubles of actually deserving it. Apparently they dont understand how things work. Sure theyll put their money on the line and join one business after another. And then speak to you about how much failure theyve encountered. How much they want things to be different this time around. But when you start to explain to them the things that they need to do and the person they need to be to be deserving of all those great things in life that are literally awaiting right at their finger tips, they start to back away slowly. Once you blink and look up theyre running as fast as they can away from you, looking for a nice comfy corner to hide in. Back to the flock for them I guess. The world is filled with people that dont realize their own self worth . People that look for things to hide behind. Im not the type to be impressed by fancy cars or sob stories. Rather I find great value in those with strong confidence in themselves and are confident in where they are going. Thats the stuff that success is made of. Isnt it wondrous to think and know with absolute certainty that if you just become the person deserving of great things that it is sitting there waiting for you? And let me be the first to say that youre worth it. Becoming deserving of great things is for you. It suits you well, dont you think? Imagine being able to jet off to the destination of your choice whenever you want. Imagine being able to never have to have a financial concern ever again. It suits you doesnt it? I know it does. Nothing can stop you from getting there as long as you want it and you dont take no for an answer from anyone. Remember a tree doesnt grow half as tall as it should, or produce half the fruit or seeds it should, and neither should you. Its only natural, and nothing can stop you from having it. It does take work though, and its a job that should come before work, in fact its the most important job there is, if thats even the right word for it. But isnt it exciting to wake up everyday to work on yourself, to grow, to change, to remove the barriers, to become the greatest you you can be? It gets me out of the bed in the morning . . . There are two things I recommend, take in as much personal development as you can and get a mentor or many. I have many, I listen to them on my iPod or read their books regularly. Its a great way to live! So have an amazing day my friend :
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 11:21:25 +0000

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