Halloween Collab with Rui Cosplay and Qorny Cosplay! Theyre both - TopicsExpress


Halloween Collab with Rui Cosplay and Qorny Cosplay! Theyre both super special awesome and should deff go check out what they have in store for this collab! 8D Week 1s theme is Magics/Fantasy, which ill be participating in with my mermaid tail tutorial. I didnt script this tutorial, so I apologize for my repetitiveness. (im also sick so i may sound kinda out a breath at times. HAHA also, excuse my face. ;;; Ive been miserable all day and I didnt bother to put make up on.) There was one part in the video that got corrupted, but it was basically just explaining that you need to match both pieces of the fabric together, pin them, and sew with a tight straight stitch. Make sure you sew on the underside of the fabric (ex. so the shinny sides would be facing each other.). It should look something like this after youve pinned/sewed it. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10173619_732793576787075_5420959484945123728_n.jpg?oh=075dceb372e84d01d26a7603ce898b10&oe=54C70F13&__gda__=1420874667_92b7c6574fca9f48d56fd95d04825201 The fabric I used was a nylon spandex mix with holographic foil on top. It was bought from SpandexHouse (spandexhouse/), which has a huge array of different stretch materials. Im also making my Nami tail out of fabric bought from them. If you want to add designs to your tail or decorate the fluke with a different fabric, youll have to first make a paper/mock tail that you can adjust to your liking. Since my blue tail was just one fabric, I didnt do so. The monofin is something that you might have to buy elsewhere. HAHA I got mine from Amazon (amazon/gp/product/B001GQ2CEO/), but only because it was on a sale, plus the shoe size fit me just barely. I have feet sized 6 womens, and its still pretty snug. There arent a lot of other mermaid fluke shaped monofin, but if you get a regular one, you can always cut it yourself. 8D I actually have a professional monofin (somewhere in my house), but I didnt want to cut it because theyre hella expensive. LOL If you guys have any questions regarding anything about the making of a mermaid tail, feel free to leave a question down below or on my ask (ask.fm/WeiSong). I reply to questions on my ask a lot quicker since questions sometimes get lost in comments. ;v;
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:35:46 +0000

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