Halloween Hangover Day #2 - stay away from dairy. There is much - TopicsExpress


Halloween Hangover Day #2 - stay away from dairy. There is much debate over dairy and not surprising as many of us were raised in the 1990s with our favourite celebrities putting a filthy thick line of white over their upper lip and asking Got Milk?. The part of this campaign we did not see is that this was partially subsidized by our government as the government makes a lot of money off of dairy the same way they do off of smoking. Dairy is not intended for humans beings, otherwise our mothers would be equipped to provide it to us at birth - instead, they provide us with human milk. Removing dairy (i.e., a substance that is made to make baby cows really fat, really fast), is an amazing way to start to see changes in your physical body, but also in the way your body will process food. Most people have a natural resistance to milk based proteins and casein, which is the protein found in milk has hands down been proven to be a carcinogen in human bodies (The China Study / Veganist, etc) Dairy is causing cancer, but the Dairy Industry which is heavily paid for with our tax dollars does not want you to know about this, so they just keep paying for multi-million dollar campaigns to keep dairy fun and trendy! Per calorie, dairy is the WORST form of calcium for the human body, so you dont even get that excuse anymore - raw spinach is a much better and easily processed form of calcium. Here are 3 great ways to help remove dairy from your diet. Soy milk is also not an amazing option - try rice milk or almond milk that you make at home with your blender and some cheesecloth - that is the only way you will know what is in your products. #movemeant #halloweenhangover #diet #fat #sweat mindbodygreen/0-11338/3-delightful-ways-to-ditch-dairy.html
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:50:54 +0000

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