Halo thanks so much for accepting me into your group. Since we are - TopicsExpress


Halo thanks so much for accepting me into your group. Since we are writing and not talking, things can get misunderstood. Having said that it is never my nature to hurt someones feelings. I am a musician also and have a way with tossing line’s from songs into my work. Plus I very quick wit. I am here to learn from everybody I have to admit I am scared to put my work out. Having said this my health is failing me and I would not be happy if one of my idea’s didn’t not come true. If anyone can answer these couple of questions. What do you do first when you have a book of poetry along with photography that you have completed or an Idea you know is good, or even a script what should one do first? Get a copyright? Or a manger? Or lawyer I know how “new” can I be? I am scared my art is my heart. Sending as much creative white light as I can. Yours, Kels Kirkland
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 06:50:21 +0000

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