Hamas is a fascist, Islamist terrorist organization that seeks to - TopicsExpress


Hamas is a fascist, Islamist terrorist organization that seeks to impose strict Sharia law in all the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, destroy the State of Israel, wipe out the Jewish People, and stifle any dissent or opposition. It has used terror to sabotage the peace talks since the signing of the Oslo accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, and is the single largest reason why Palestinians today do not have an independent State of their own. Under its rule, there is no constitution, no elections, no woman’s rights, and indeed no individual rights. Yet they have managed to con large parts of the world, including South Africa’s liberation movements, into believing that they are a bona fide liberation movement, and into justifying their terror and missile war against Israel, as well as their oppression of their own people, as a justified war of liberation similar to that waged against the Apartheid regime. This creates the absurd situation where many black Africans are beginning to support the very International Muslim Brotherhood movement linked to the murders, kidnappings, and even genocide, of their fellow Africans from Nigeria to Kenya, Sudan, to Central African Republic. In the spirit of Nelson Mandela, who while supporting the Palestinians struggle for their own State, also said that I cannot conceive of Israel withdrawing if Arab states do not recognize Israel, within secure borders’, We call on the South Africa’s government, ruling party, trade unions, the EFF, and civil organizations, and indeed the entire civilized world, to recognize Hamas for the outrage it is, to stop casting the blame for the conflict in the Middle-East on Israel, and to recognize that it is Hamas’ refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist and persistent terror war against her, that is the largest obstacle to peace in our region.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 11:00:07 +0000

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