Hand itchy again... Quiet night in Thailand Phuket... Less lit - TopicsExpress


Hand itchy again... Quiet night in Thailand Phuket... Less lit lands, Night sky is clear of clouds ....dark back ground in contrast with prominent twinkle Stars... interestingly its spurs curiosity to observe the stars groups one by one ... Looking at the the North trying to locate Polaris the North Star 北极星. Observing the the angle of rotation of d spoon of Big Dipper which clearly indicates its current timing does coincide with the beginning of Fall... Attached my sketch on 3D picture of the surroundings Star groups which are not to scales in contrast with our Solar System... Try to make the Solar system look bigger so that the planet Earth N-S magnetic axis can be drawn to illustrate it relation to North Star.. These Stars Groups are actually light years away from the Solar systems, they are drawn so close to Solar System just for my purposes of illustrations... 大阳糸通之 七政 - 日月金木水火土 ( 大阳,月亮.金星,木星,土星,火星,水星) Solar System nearest 7 universal bodies to planet Earth , They are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn. All except the Sun are orbiting endlessly... In any measurement of theirs respective distances between each others which actually created many kinds of Qi Energies which the western scholars just named it gravitational force.. To the Oriental Scholars , 七政 7 universal pulling & closing apart resulted by individual orbiting... Actually constitutes different forces in different directions even... Classifying & grouping Qi energies which were acting upon Planet Earth.. just like any studies grouping of patterns trying to see some constant factors & reduce the variable that eventually developing the formulas... Classification of Qi Energies 火Qi.... When the 七政 Pulling away from Earth upwardly... Qi that move upwards from planets Earth is like Fire forms of rising Qi ... 水 Pulling downwardly from planet Earth is like the water Form of draining downward... 木 Pulling away upwardly & downwardly altogether away from planet Earth is just like the tree branches moving upwardly & its roots moving downwardly from it original centre.. the seed .. So naming these form of outwardly in all directions away from planet Earth would best be named WOOD... 金 the reverse Qi to wood compressing inwardly to the centre in all directions inwards to planet Earth.... The more it compact inward the harder in density of this Qi ... isnt it like metal which are found mostly compact in the Planet Earth ground...naming this form of compacting all directions inward onto planet Earth would be best named METAL... 土 when none of the prominent Qi force is dominance or of great magnitude ...these Qi is stagnant just like the unmoving Soil & stone on Earth...its not that this forms of like slow moving irregular Qi of without any clear significant magnitude be called Earth? 七政 7 universal casting their respecting Qi of pulling , compressing.. combination of both or more... actually Create the 在天成气 Heavenly Qi on to planet Earth which ancients Sage classified the as 5 Forms 形 of Qi IMHO ( Actually the words Element...is not suitable I Think ...cos element is a matter in pure physics description...but Qi is not a matter...right?... If Energies is not a matter why called it Element...? Forms 形 is more appropriate ) To measure & study precisely the relative distances between the 7 universal bodies which are endlessly orbiting ... A good fix reference point will be necessary...& if more of the fix reference point could be found it will be merrier... Ancient Sage fix the far away Stars around the middle of Planet Earth in Group & named them in 28 groups of star as 28 constellation & further divide them into group of 7 into 4 groups & name these 4 major groups of groups as 4 terrestrial animals..as shown.... To the north they found the North Star ( Polaris) & Bigger Dipper ...the fix reference eventually constitute many of the Luopan formulas... The rotating axis of Planet Earth & Magnetic axis is another critical reference Point...just like the rotation wheel of a vehicle the centre axis of the wheel is fix...constitute a good point to be used as reference point... The Centre of all bodies is a vital reference that is the Sun also known as 太阳宫 the Solar palace... 地 1) Fengshui is incomplete if we only studies the Landforms... 天 2) Good to known the time domain as mentioned above which the relative distances between the 七政 in the orbital paths not constitute the 5 forms of Qi energies also it magnitudes... 人 3)& the Birth Time of the occupants...as the occupants birth time encoded the prevailing Qi the occupant exposed at birth which actually shows the cocktail of Qi the human inhale at birth due to 七政 the 7 universal Bodies Qis influencing on Planet Earth at his Birth time... Feng Shui,... Is part of Astronomy, Geography, Scientific actually...a wholistic studies... .Who create all these universal bodies thereafter it is automatic...自生自灭自得其果 Cheers who am I..do I actually exist..zzZz
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 19:22:29 +0000

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