Hands down my favorite movie growing up, Teenage Mutant Ninja - TopicsExpress


Hands down my favorite movie growing up, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. On my third birthday I just remember waking up to the Turtles 2 movie and my dad waking me up telling me it was my birthday. Went into the back yard and had gotten a blue chrome, Gremlin Schwinn bike with little trainin wheels on it. It was about a year and a half before I took the training wheels off. Before that I rode a red trike. My Grandpa Pannell was at my party too. He always reminded me of Colonel Sanders for whatever the reason. Maybe it was white hair and white mustache. He wore glasses too. I miss him and my other grandparents that have passed. It was before I was two that I lost three of my grandparents. One being my Mothers Father due to lung cancer. And I dont remember how my fathers parents passed. Still, I have two grandmas alive and well and step grandparents as well that I am grateful to have. The black angel seems to linger around the ones I care most for. Im sorry. This doesnt even scratch the surface of loss with the ones I love.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 23:47:21 +0000

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