Hania Ahmed asked me to look at Henry Morris Scientific Case - TopicsExpress


Hania Ahmed asked me to look at Henry Morris Scientific Case Against Evolution, icr.org/home/resources/resources_tracts_scientificcaseagainstevolution/ I have started to write a reply, The Scientific Case Against The Scientific Case Against Evolution here, erv-faq-for-creationists.wikispaces/The+Scientific+case+against+the+Scientific+Case+Against+Evolution The Scientific Case Against The Scientific Case Against Evolution by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. by Barry Desborough, Dip. Ed. Morris starts by asserting the evolution is a belief despite the lack of evidence. [[@talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/|Here are 29+ lines of evidence for evolution]]. A conclusion based on evidence is not a belief. We are off to a bad start, with bald, unsupported assertions and false statements. Morris defines macroevolution as one distinct kind of organism evolving into another, but he does not define kind. If I define mooklation as one sort of mooklie turning onto another sort, it would be difficult to either defend or criticize such an idea, because without any definitions, mooklation and mooklie are meaningless. Morris is doing precisely the same thing with his talk of macroevolution and kinds. However, if he is of the opinion that chimpanzees and humans are different kinds, then we can easily dismiss his bald assertion. [[erv-faq-for-creationists.wikispaces/ERV+FAQ+for+Creationists|ERVs provide slam-dunk evidence for their common ancestry.]] He then makes a promise to quote leading evolutionists admitting lack of proof, and inadvertently showing that evolution on any significant scale does not occur at present, and never happened in the past, and could never happen at all. Knowing creationists propensity to quote-mine, (taking selected phrases and sentences in order to give a misleading impression of what the writer thinks, A.K.A. lying), I fully expect we are in for more of teh same from Morris. Morris asserts that evolution is not happening now, because we dont see, for example, transitionals between cats and dogs. Well, Henry, we dont expect to see them scampering around right now, because dogs turning into cats and vice-versa is not evolution. [[@gmanetwork/news/story/343965/scitech/science/cats-and-dogs-had-a-common-ancestor-and-here-it-is|Cats and dogs had a common ancestor, and here it is]]. [[image:66720_web.jpg]] If you want to see incipient specialization in nature, take a look at [[@en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_species|ring species]]. If speciation doesnt qualify as evidence of common ancestry between different kinds, tell us what kinds are, and well tell you how long such diversification is likely to take. But it wont be instant. Morris states, Evolutionary geneticists have often experimented on fruit flies and other rapidly reproducing species to induce mutational changes hoping they would lead to new and better species, but these have all failed to accomplish their goal. Thats a lie, Henry. Your beliefs should prevent you from lying. Fruit-fly research has produced and identified fruit fly speciation. [[@news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3790531.stm|Heres an example]]. But the aim is not to produce new and better species. Such phraseology betrays a deep level of ignorance about evolution. It is not about producing better species, but adaptation to a given environment.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:35:31 +0000

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