Hannah Fischer, this is for you, please here me out. I am going to - TopicsExpress


Hannah Fischer, this is for you, please here me out. I am going to share a very personal but very real experience I had. This happened last summer ( summer 2013) at EFY, which is a camp that my church puts on for the youth. This was towards the end of the week on Thursday and we had a long, but spiritual day. I was already shaking and trembling because I was feeling directly a portion of the love of God. It was such a strong feeling it could be nothing else. You know me, and you know there is not to much that can phase me, yet I was trembling and shaking. We were meeting together with our groups for a testimony meeting, in which we would all get up and share our beliefs, how strong they are, and anything else of a spiritual or uplifting nature that we feel compelled to share. I got up as the first one still trembling slightly ( not from nervousness, for I think we both know that I have no fear in talking about my beliefs and my church). I shared what I felt I should say at this time, though now I have no memory of it because of what happened after. After I sat down my friend Loralee stood up and began to speak. During her testimony I blinked and as I blinked I saw another person. I closed my eyes and saw her again, just as clearly as my friend speaking in front of me when my eyes were opened. It was not just the sense of seeing but also what I felt while looking at her. It was my Great Grandmother who at this point had been dead for a year and a half. It was too clear of a picture to be my imagination, not to mention she was not on my mind. I saw her and I felt her presence. She raised her hand and waved at me and smiled. I also heard her speak, though not audibly, it was more of a feeling or impression. What I felt her say was how proud she was of me, and how much she loved me. At this point I lost it a tears began to fill my eyes and the shaking and trembling I was already feeling became uncontrollable. The love I felt from God was strong, then I was feeling my Grams love as well. The vision was gone, but the feeling was not. When the meeting ended and we walked outside and were all hugging and crying I felt like I should wait back a little bit. A short time later my cousin and her group walked out of the building I was in. I went and hugged my cousin ( who is usually too cool to even be seen with me) and I told her how much I and her mother loved her ( her mother, my moms sister, having died when we were very young) . I knew with every fiber of my being that what I said was true. I know some people wont believe me, or will say I made this up, but this was one of the most real things that ever happened to me and I cannot say it didnt happen. The clarity of the memory of this vision even to this day makes it to real to be false. I know what I saw and felt and I know what the message is. There is a God who loves us, and he allowed me to see that when we die we are still alive. Our loved ones on the other side are still the same people, and we can be with them again when we die. They live and so shall we. I am thankful that for a brief moment I could see and feel the presence of someone who I still miss dearly, but death is a temporary barrier, and we are eternal beings, and we can be with our families again.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:38:45 +0000

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