Hannah, age 30 When I was 12 we lived in Washington State on - TopicsExpress


Hannah, age 30 When I was 12 we lived in Washington State on the top of a small hill. Our house was the highest and behind it were miles of thick forest. I used to wander through it, especially when it was drizzling, enjoying the peace and the closeness of nature. One day I pushed aside a branch that had completely covered my view. What I saw was as if some kind of other world had frozen in time. It was a frozen waterfall (about my height though it seemed it should have been much larger) surrounded by icy rocks and shimmering icicles. The whole scene was shimmery silver as if it did not belong at all in that spot. I did not see any faeries, but I felt as if I had intruded upon something and had been spotted. It felt that activity had halted the second I pulled back the branch. As I gasped I let the branch go. When I pulled it back again there was nothing there but forest and trees. I feel that I cannot deny the existence of fairies and the fairy world and feel blessed to have encountered it even if but for a few seconds.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:21:32 +0000

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