Hannelore Morton Obama and the rest of his liberal pals know that - TopicsExpress


Hannelore Morton Obama and the rest of his liberal pals know that they could not get away with simply censoring the internet themselves. Not only would that be blatant enough that it wouldn’t pass constitutional muster with any but the most partisan left-wing judges, but the uproar it would create would make the opposition to ObamaCare that is about to cost the Democrats the Senate look like a gentle breeze. So how do you get around the opposition to a policy that you want to enact, but don’t have the domestic support to be able to do? You get “the international community” to do it for you. You hand over the keys to the internet to the dictators and the communists out there in the UN, and let them do what comes naturally. After all, it’s not like Obama and the American Left aren’t on the same side of most of the relevant issues as the dictators, theocrats, and thugs who run most of the rest of the world. They all hate people who criticize Islam. They all hate the right to keep and bear arms. They all hate Christianity. They all hate individual liberty and personal sovereignty. They all hate capitalism. Many of them can even be convinced to support the gay agenda and punish opposition to it, so long as they’re getting everything else they want. Authoritarians are nothing if not pragmatic, after all. And even if we wanted to be charitable and suppose that Obama and the Left don’t really have this as their goal, this is still going to be the practical effect of this move. But I’m not feeling very charitable today. If conservative Republicans in Congress could be convinced to actually do something about this, we might have a chance of preserving a free internet. Barring that, however, it may be time to think about planning for the inevitable loss of internet speech freedom. We built the internet once, we can do it again—the construction of a parallel internet alongside the “official” one might be technically demanding, but would benefit world freedom greatly. Also, it may be time for liberty lovers and conservatives to start “stockpiling” free speech by saving to disk websites, pages, articles, online books, and whatever else is out there that promotes liberty and traditional values. That way, these works will be preserved for the day when freedom once again comes to the internet. Either way, we have to be prepared for the possibility that the world wide web will become nothing more than the official propaganda arms of freedom haters worldwide.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:46:26 +0000

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