Hans Update: hello everyone. we havent been on Fb to read all the - TopicsExpress


Hans Update: hello everyone. we havent been on Fb to read all the wonderful comments and concerns. i have god news and bad news. an ultrasound was done and Hans has masses in his liver along as masses in his only kidney. the vet at the ultrasound place recommend that we give Hans a good day today and help him to the Rainbow Bridge on Friday. HOWEVER, we consulted with his vet . we have high regard for her. she stated that she knows Hans is a fighter. she feels as long as he is eating and drinking we can have him a little longer. it seems he has pancreastitus but is on 2 separate antibotics so maybe that will help it. he lays around alot but has 10 minutes of walking around, mooching and wiggling his nub! we will take it!! if the Lymphoma goes into the bone marrow at that point he would bleed out. the vet feels he doesnt see those signs as of yet and she sed we would know becuz his gums would get grey, he would have a hard time walking or would have blood in his poo or urine. its a hard decision but we dont want him to go to the rainbow Bridge early if he doesnt have too. SOOO we get a reprieve. its a wait and see situation. we know he has inoperable masses at this point and it just a question of When and the vet sed he will tell us when he is ready. i know alot of you have lost your babies and know what she is talking about. all of you who know me, no i am not into drama, i was just listening to the vet at the ultrasound place and then my husband and i thought Hans has always been a fighter. he will let us know so for now we may have one day, 1 week or one month. we are preparing for the inevitable. such a hard choice to decide their fate. thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for loving our Hans too. we will keep you posted. lets hope maybe that he has another miracle in him. if not we have been blessed for 2 1/2 years more than was expected. hugs to all your babies and please continue to pray for my baby. thanks for all the support and friendship. hugs to all and Hans sends wiggles.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 04:27:29 +0000

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