Hanuman - Gray Langur, Sacred Monkey Gray langurs or Hanuman - TopicsExpress


Hanuman - Gray Langur, Sacred Monkey Gray langurs or Hanuman langurs, the most widespread langurs of South Asia, are a group of Old World monkeys. Gray langurs are large and fairly terrestrial, inhabiting forest, open lightly wooded habitats, and urban areas on the Indian subcontinent. Most species are found at low to moderate altitudes. Hanuman refers to the Hindu deity Hanuman. The Hanuman is sacred to the gods and the people. One of its ancestors was a god (his name was of course Hanuman and he was/is a monkey god) who helped the all-powerful Rama in one of his mythological adventures. Since then, the Hindus have fed and protected this langur. The monkey travels around India often in the company of the pilgrim holy men or saddhus. They have adapted well to many environments which include the cities where they can raid peoples houses or stores. With its status as the sacred offspring of a god, the monkey has nothing to fear from the local people. Like most monkeys they eat mostly plant matter but they can eat a wide variety of things including pine needles and cones, moss and lichen.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:48:03 +0000

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