Happened on this song while listening to my ITunes this morning. - TopicsExpress


Happened on this song while listening to my ITunes this morning. .and I thought to myself how apropo as we look back on 2014 and look ahead at our year ahead... And so this was my key this morning to open my heart my emotions this day. So I thought of you ALL and I wish most of all for you Life this coming New Year... ....The Life you are making b u t reminding us ALL of this loosely written quote We plan..God giggles ...a reminder from the Serninty Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. And so Ill end with a basket full of gifts I wish upon you these last few days of 2014 carried on into 2015. Joyous occasions♡droplets of joy♡romance♡security♡time spent with family &friends ♡good health ♡financial security♡hope♡good nights of sleep♡silver linings♡strength♡laughter♡giggles♡self esteem♡your own visions of success♡peace♡a sunrise♡a rainbow♡flowers♡love♡hugs♡kisses♡making love♡hearing a young childs laugh♡music♡puppy kisses♡hearing I love yous♡saying I love you♡exercising♡being comfortable about who you are♡growth♡adventure♡seeking only the good in others♡remembering we are ALL a work in progress♡patience♡for others to be patient of you♡less judging of others including ourselves♡go see a movie♡take a walk barefoot on a beach♡watching the sunset♡figuring what time it is by looking at the sun♡sleeping in as the rain hits the window panes♡permission to take a nap♡a massage♡preform Random Acts of kindness♡May you be on the receiving end of aRandom Acts of kindness♡volunteer♡forgive someone♡forgive yourself♡let go of the past♡go skinny dipping♡ride a bicycle♡build a snowmen♡lay down on the fresh fallen snow and make a snow angel♡visit with someone you think might be lonely♡buy a box of chocolates and give yourself permission to to test each one until you find one just right for you♡go to a park♡feed a bird ...feed the ducks...the swans....the squirrels♡chose kindness over indifference♡dont take yourself to serious♡remember its not always about you♡smile randomly without reason♡be a role model in the company of children♡always chose happy when theres a choice♡give up a bad habit♡ ♡ H.N.Y ♡ Love, jeanie
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:09:54 +0000

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