Happiness At Work #50 ~ the future is now One of the frameworks we - TopicsExpress


Happiness At Work #50 ~ the future is now One of the frameworks we draw from in our happiness & resilience training suggests that happiness requires us to have an equally positive sense of both our present – how we feel about things as they are now – and our future – how we feel about what is likely to happen to us. Too much preoccupation in the here-and-now with little concern for the future is hedonism. Too much concentration on the future with too little care for the here-and-now is being stuck in the rat race. And a pessimistic view about both how things are at the moment and how they are likely to turn out in the future is nihilism. Our headline piece this week pulls together a number of ideas that consider the some of the new innovations and trends that are happening the world and how we might need to bring all of our learning from our past to forge ourselves ways of working with our new technologies and systems that work to our benefit and sustainable advantage. For example, we recommend these two TEDTalks: Andrew McAfee: What Will Future Jobs Look Like? Andrew McAfee considers the what work is about to become on the back of our new speaking, listening, understanding, learning technologies: My biggest anxiety is that we are going to have brilliant technologies embedded in a kind of shabby society and supported by an economy that supports inequalities instead of opportunity... George Papandreou: Imagine A European Democracy Without Borders Today we have globalised our markets but we have not globalised our democratic institutions... How do we secure the demos, the space, the platform of values so that we can tap into all of your potential? Citing Europe as already the most successful peace experiment ever achieved, the former Prime Minister of Greece makes the challenge for Europe to also be an equally successful new pan-nation experiment of global democracy, offering and even greater citizenship across its regions where they can come up with creative solutions, where our common identity is democracy and our common value is participation. Steve McCurry’s Blog: To Light A Fire As well the usual montage of pictures from the collection, this week’s Photos include Steve McCurry’s latest collection that put his remarkable framing around simple beauty of people reading. 6 Tips For Being Happy You will also find author of How To Do Everything And Be Happy Peter Jones’ slideshow of practical steps to help build and sustain happiness and getting things done. There is much more of course, and not just under this Future Is Now heading, but also across our usual spread of stories about happiness & personal flourishing, resilience & wellbeing, creativity & artistry, learning & leadership… Enjoy…
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:05:55 +0000

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