Happiness is like a stolen dog, no matter how hard the thief tries - TopicsExpress


Happiness is like a stolen dog, no matter how hard the thief tries to keep such dog, it will escape at the slightest chance available. _________________________|____________________________ | HAPPY |WORLD| HAPPINESS DAY| To mark a day like this, I will like you to have this on record. No matter how sad you are, never steal another persons happiness to fill in the gap. If you ask why, I will gladly reveal to you that no stolen happiness can ever serve you like the one you create by yourself and when the one you steal escapes, you might begin to pursue after it with the time you are supposed to use in building yours. In todays world, we take many steps to sadness and fewer steps to happiness because we exchange the first for the second based on their immediate appearances but of a truth, until you understand the causes of sadness, you might never know the road to happiness. Happiness is far from the presence of laughter and absence of tears; having more than enough does not define it, neither does being in power explain it. But having a link with Nature that makes you know when to hold on to something and when to walk away (irrespective of its physical worth) clearly defines happiness which is the ability to hold on when due and walk away when appropriate without hurting the inner man. Now these are the ways in which other peoples happiness can be stolen to satisfy oneself or situation. *Refusing to help those in need *Refusing to help people in danger *Wishing people ill-luck *Failing to commend peoples hardwork *Being hostile to those who look up to you *Reminding people always of their wrongs *Failling to forgive a wrong *Preventing the progress of others *Spreading false rumour about people *Making other people to feel the pains you feel If you have been doing any of the aforementioned, I am here saying to you that it will never bring back your happiness. Every man is born with inner candle of happiness but as soon as he meet false teachers, that candle begins to dim; when he turns away from the natural laws of existence, matters become worse and when he shuts his heart from his conscience, things get completely out of hand and so, the inner candle disappears leaving him to only depend on immediate occurence whether good or bad, to be happy and, such happiness does not get into the inside because it never came from there; it doesnt last because it was artificially made. Happiness that comes from the inside circulates and recycles itself without much effort, it is never turned on by the things that exists outside but by the heart that sees the outside from the inside. You need to know that there are levels of happiness and that all require commitment and sacrifice to achieve. Inner Happiness: this can occur when your thought towards people is pure and positive. Outward Happiness: If you dont make someone you see happy, no one will see you as a happy person, instead, you will be viewed and described as a wicked fellow. Hereafter Happiness: It is better if you have no believe of the world to come than have it, long to be on the positive side and ignore the earthly practice that will secure a happy place for you before your arrival. Whenever you think of how to secure a happy place for yourself over there, think of the one condition that Jesus gave to the man that needed such happiness. On the part of the man, he had inner happiness but a great deal of outward and hereafter happiness were lacking and the issue of asking him to go and sell all he had would have been softer if he had been offering anything at all to the needy out of what he had; but the weight of that condition was as a result of the gap his lack of giving must have created and probably, the short time he may have had to live before leaving for the hereafter which could not have been enough for him tk do it slowly as he may have wished. Permit me to be more plain in my conclusion by telling you that the more you shut the door of favour from someone, the more you chase your hapiness away from yourself. The best way to grow that candle of happiness within you is by giving it ventilation by opening your heart and hands, becoming the ability of the unable, the riches of the poor, the joy of the sorrowful and the strength of the weak even, the wisdom of fools. Do not ask too many questions, once nature brings a situation your way, just open up. Continue gradually and then you will not just know the true meaning of happiness, you will experience it and as well be a dispenser. Do have a lovely and lively celebration.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:27:17 +0000

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