Happpppy Saturday Warriorssssss, It is the weeks endddddd and - TopicsExpress


Happpppy Saturday Warriorssssss, It is the weeks endddddd and Praise God we made it through until right now!!!! Hallelujah! A servant is someone employed by another, especially to perform domestic duties. What are domestic duties? A person who works WITHIN the employers household. (My God!) 1. Care of children or elderly dependents 2. Cleaning and household maintenance 3. Cooking 4. Laundry 5. Ironing 6. Food shopping 7. Errands Some domestic workers LIVE within the household where they work. The bible says And I will bring forth a Seed OUT OF Jacab, and OUT OF Judah an Inheritor of My mountains: and My elect shall inherit it, and My servants shall dwell there. ---Isaiah 65:9 Commentary: The Seed out of Jacob actually refers to Christ (Gal 3:16) The Inheritor of My mountains is also the Messiah The elect concerns the remnant of Israel left after the Battle of Armageddon, which will accept Christ as their Saviour and Messiah. They are as well called My servants and shall dwell there. They are elected by Him, because they CHOOSE to be servants. MDWs God has made this sooooo plain to us IF you are looking at this word in the spiritual realm. Why the spiritual realm? Because our natural or earthly realm will show us something we believe it beneath us. We hear these words all the time, I aint doing that. God is explains to us the INHERITOR of: My mountains (all that is at the top) My elect - The Remnant (all left over after the battle, after war, after the fight) After we have fought our hardest fight and the little bit of faith we have left over - the little bit of strength we have left. God says I will take scraps of you and that small piece you hold up to me; I call you My elect. (My God! My God!) THEY are elected by Him: Why? Because THEY choose to be sevants They choose to: 1. Care for Gods Children: The young and the Old 2. Clean Gods Temple: The physical church and your body 3. Cooking and feed the children of God 4. Laundry and Iron: Washed in the blood and straighten out the wrinkles of life God is looking for servants for the Kingdom of God!!! The Inheritor (Joint Heirs with Christ) My Mountain My Elect My Servant Nothing More Nothing Less Nothing Else...In the POWERFUL name of Jesus. Amen. Moving as a servant in the Kingdom of God, mdw.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:39:55 +0000

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