Happy 2007 Ethiopia Genesis 10:8 - “Cush begat Nimrod. The - TopicsExpress


Happy 2007 Ethiopia Genesis 10:8 - “Cush begat Nimrod. The word Cush means Ethiopia. Cush is the father of Ethiopians. Nimrod ruled over the cities of Babylon, Erech, Accad (Akkad). The cities are situation in the Land of Shinar (Sumer). In Genesis 11:26-26 Abraham was one of the fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel. Abraham’s father (Terah) came from the Land of Ur or the Chaldees. The Chaldeans are a Cushite Tribe. The Sumerians/ Ethiopians/ Mesopotamians (Elamites) settled from Mesopotamia to Europe. Currently this area now includes: Southern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Northwest India. Webster’s Dictionary (Gazetteer Section, p. 849) defines Sumerian as: The pre-Semitic population of the Lower Euphrates Valley. Sumer preceded Babylonia. The dictionary says there is a blood relationship between Dravidian Tribes of India and Ethiopian Sumerians (Elamites). Archeologists have found skeletons of the ancient Dravidian and Nedda types in Ur and Kish. Examples of Negrito types below: From andaman.org Yemeni Negritoid Arab man (1950s) Negrito of the Great Andaman group (1890s) Yemeni Veddoid Man Vedda from Sri Lanka (1890s) Andamanese Negrito of the Jarawa group (1960s) Black Hebrew Facts – Jews exist throughout Africa. (Do you believe those Jews who fled to Europe converted the African Jews left behind before Hitler went on his rampage)? Black Jews of Dahomey - (Benin) Black Hebrews of Egypt and Ethiopia - Ethiopian Jews are better known the world over as Falasha, a Geez (ancient Ethiopic) term meaning stranger or exile. Tabiban Kamant & Wasambara Jews Jews of Malagasy Republic North African Black Jews Black Jewish Empire of Ghana The Moorish Empire (Hannibal) Black Jews of Angola Jewish Ashantees Yorba Jews of Nigeria The Book of Exodus describes a Hebrew (Jewish) presence in Egypt in the former Kingdom of Kush. In the 9th and 10th Centuries B.C.E. Kings David and Solomon sought to expand Hebrew (Jewish) influence and trade throughout the Mediterranean, Egypt, the Arab Peninsula, the Horn of Africa and Persia. The Bantu tribes of Southern Africa (where 40,000 members of the Lemba Tribe) still claim Jewish roots. Jewish tribal groups in Senegal are the descendants of the Tribe of Dan. The Ethiopian Jews can trace their ancestry to the tribe of Dan. The trans-migrants established communities in renowned places as Gao, Timbuktu (where UNESCO still maintains notable archives containing records of its old Jewish community), Bamako, Agadez, Kano and Ibadan. Jewish tribes have been situated in the heart of Africa since the dawn of recorded history. Ethiopia is mentioned in the beginning of the Biblical Book of Genesis, and there is no time in history when there were not Jews living there. From Ethiopia, they went west and south into the heart of Africa. Other Jews also migrated directly west from Egypt, entering Africa along the northern coast of the continent. Starting about AD 300, the Kingdom of Ghana began to be ruled by a dynasty of Jewish Kings known as the Za Dynasty. The founder of the Dynasty was a man named Za el Yemeni, who was descended from Jews of Yemen. He established his capital city at Gao on the Niger River, in what is now the nation of Mali. According to the writings of Eldad the Danite, a famous Algerian Jewish author of the ninth century, Ghana was a Hebrew nation which followed the Law of Moses. The people of Ghana traced their roots to Jews of the First Diaspora of 600 BC, who were forcibly expelled from Israel by the Assyrians. In support of this, Eldad reported that the Ghanans possessed the Torah, which was compiled before the Diaspora, but not the Talmud, which was compiled in Jerusalem and Babylon much later, during the early centuries of the Christian era. In the seventh century AD, the whole of Africa north of the Sahara desert was conquered by the armies of Islam. Subsequently, an extremely lucrative trade system developed with the Sub-Saharan Kingdom of Ghana. The commodities first traded were gold and salt. This led to the appearance of regular caravan routes across the Sahara Desert to various cities in Ghana. These cities became wealthy. Shortly after the year AD 1000, the Kings of Ghana converted to Islam. Initially, the conversions were mainly for the purpose of fostering trade with the powerful Muslim states of North Africa, and had little to do with faith. But once Islam took root in the area, its impact grew inexorably. The current Jewish homeland was set up on May 14, 1948, by the UN What I am trying to do is make the whole world safe for Jews, Harry Truman wrote as he wrestled over the decision to recognize a Jewish state in Palestine. Deeply affected by the Holocaust, Truman sympathized with Jewish aspirations for a homeland. In November 1947 he lobbied for the U.N. resolution that divided Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. Britain announced it would hand authority over Palestine to the U.N. by May 14, 1948. After the death of Solomon, Israel was broken up into 2 kingdoms. Judah - which consisted of Benjamin, Judah and the Levitical Priesthood (Levi). The southern kingdom was the remaining 10 tribes - they eventually scattered throughout the (world). These were the Jews that Yahshua (Jesus) prepared his disciples to gather. They are the Lost sheep of the House of Israel. The modern Ashkenazim Jew--converts (from Eastern Europe) have tried to absorb all the nations and say they are whole again and living in Israel - but that is not true...the 10 tribes of millions of people that are still scattered - (the U. S., the American Indians, the Chinese, the Indian Dalits, the Ethiopians, the Jamaicans...on and on). The European Jew is a convert....the converts run the Nation of Israel. They converted 1100 years ago, some may have been from the tribe of Judah (Jews) but it is a small minority. The name Sephardim was attributed to the Jews who were forced to leave Spain and Portugal in 1492. Many of these settled in North Africa, other parts of Europe and the Ottoman Empire. The European Jew--A Question of Identity! What! European Jews? What! European Jews? The African Jews of the Bible!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:42:24 +0000

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