Happy 21st to my littlest brother Liam Dudson! I no you had an - TopicsExpress


Happy 21st to my littlest brother Liam Dudson! I no you had an awesome nite last saturday with all ure family and friends who could make it :) Was a fantastic night. Elijah loved coming in to his room to wake uncle liam up after he stumbled in the door unexpectedly around 5am :) Now that i can think properly I can write a little bit of shit about u. U was always the big mouth in our family - me and bren are pretty shy but not u. Hahaha wen u were at coro skool u wod go missing after school and ignore ure cellphone, this happend all the time! Me and u spent alot of time in the car together - mostly going to thames and back again while I was at uni - this was wen u had just started at thames high and Josie ONeill Walsh was with me in the car coming back to coro! u wod never b ready to come so josie wod stand outside car n yell at u to come - sometimes like u were in trouble and sometimes like she we was ure girlfriend! And i no u did love it :) U are also the reason that i say the N word so much hahaha bcuz we call eachotha it soo much. I no that no matter what happens I can always ring u up and harras u and u will just help me deal with it or help me do something. Ure an amazing brother (so is bren) that I love heaaps and so does Elijah. He actually woke up the other day and sed liam bum (he wanted to see the pic) and then sed funny and cracked up laughing. I also love that u dnt care when I harras ure mates - u made sum awesome mates at THS - Brayden Byrne who has become a brother aswell as Sam Cox, Marc Rohrlach and James Russek! heaps more but I no these ones well :) I wish i cod add a video of that phone call from u, Brayden and Patrick Beer last friday nite but cant atm - it will come tho) Im pretty crap at remembering all the funny stories I tried to think of for u. But HAPPY 21ST LIAM GEORGE LOUIS DUDSON! I hope u guys had an awesome nite last nite. Love u always xoxoxoxo
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:38:07 +0000

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