Happy 22nd Birthday to my granddaughter Morgan Leigh Griffey on - TopicsExpress


Happy 22nd Birthday to my granddaughter Morgan Leigh Griffey on March 26th. You are such a Morgan…I think it was prophetic that your name is Morgan and there is a Morgan horse. You love horses…you love dogs even more I think. Or maybe they are more easily accessible to your life and you can hug them more often? I wanted to see how many mores I could get into that sentence. Seriously Mo…the look you get on your face when you hug a dog is priceless…I think your kids might have some competition kinda look. I know your dream is to live in an average house where you won’t care if there is dog hair on the furniture…and have lots of horses and dogs…and kids. And Matt…not in that order right? You are a senior at Cal Poly this year. Doesn’t it really seem like you just finished high school and varsity soccer there? To have a kenisiology major is amazing to me. All of the science and math ect but you are almost all done and you made it with flying colors! Which were the same colors, green and yellow, that you wore in high school by the way. You are in love with San Louis Obispo and who could blame you? I think you will miss hiking in the hills there the most which makes me glad we have comparable hills to hike here…back home. The one thing about being so close to a granddaughter is that you feel every painful thing they experience and you know all about it. The other thing about being so close is that you are…so close. You share all of the high ups as well as the low downs and watching things turn out for good in their life through their faith in the Lord is soothing. It has been such a treasure being in your life Morgan. Through watching the many games you played in soccer…being on the sidelines when your dad helped you off the field with care when you broke your arm. I can still see your body floating up in the air and then slamming down…my heart slammed down too. Going to your banquets and hearing all the things your coaches and friends said about you. You are such a Morgan and I love that you are only you and outspokenly only you. You are true blue to this nation and to it’s constitution and to the things our forefathers fought for…you are continuing their fight in your defense. You are God’s girl when it comes to His Word and what He says for us to do. How we are to treat our babies and our children and our widows and our poor. I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice when you talk about any of these issues. I know that you can see and hear it in mine as well. But for me…that is two generations down from my generation so it warms my heart and leaves me in peace. You are loyal to family. You love to come home and be with Matt and his family and your own immediate family as often as you can and that usually includes your Poppa and me and your tias and tios and your cousins…it is never too much for you. I love that you are just one of the women in our growing girls in the family club and have been for some time. Well not that we are all growing but you know what I nean..the numbers of us are growing. Sitting there with three generations of women and hearing their input in life and watching them come to solutions and conclusions and recipes (Lordy does this family have and share and enjoy recipes) is like an out of body experience. It’s wonderful to know this family will carry on in Him when you are gone. Let’s get through this last part of your college years and get you settled and with a job you love and just keep on keeping on with all that the Lord has given us. One of His greatest gifts to our family was you Morgan and you can know that in your heart by the ‘happy’ that we all show when we know….Morgan is home! I love you so….Grandma
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 00:25:56 +0000

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