Happy 25th birthday Allan. This is the first year ever your mum - TopicsExpress


Happy 25th birthday Allan. This is the first year ever your mum has never bought a birthday present for you. On the 3rd of November 2013 someone took you away from us. You were only 23 and went out for a good time with a smile upon your face in such a happy mood. We never thought for one second someone would take your life away. Your mum had presents for your birthday last year when you would have turned 24 we also had most of your Christmas presents in. We gave your friend some of your presents last year as we know that is what you would have wanted us to do. We should be holding a 25th birthday party for you tonight we are so sorry we can not do this for you Allan . The house should be full of your friends having a good time and a good drink and the music should be blasting away. Your mum is in tears because she cant buy you anything. Sophie still made you a birthday card Amy misses you so much and all i want to do is have a beer with you and give you a massive hug. Like all your birthdays you always get spoiled and your pals normaly say your a lucky bugger. Tonight there will be no celebrations only heartache and pain and more suffering for us Allan we miss and love you so much. Your one of a kind, you have a great heart, your a joker and an awesome young man. Your Mum says she loves you so much. Amy says happy birthday Allan and she wanted to have a drink with you she misses you so much. Sophie says when are you coming home as she wants to dummy fight with you as you done this all the time with her. Your two sisters Sophie and Amy just want there brother home. My heart is torn apart you are my only son my first born i love and miss you so bloody much Allan. This past year i have fought tooth and nail to keep you in the public eye. So many people care about you Allan family and friends and the local community and the general public are all fighting for justice for you. There is a Facebbook page called Find Allan Bryant Jnr with over 11.500 people on it and they are all fighting for you to son. Today is going to be a heart wrenching day for all of us you should be at home safe and well with us your family. We will never ever stop looking for you Allan i see this as just the beginning i will continue to fight for you till the day i die. These people who took you from us will face justice Allan and more. Your mum is keeping the tradition going she always puts the Christmas tree up a day before your birthday which has always done my head in lol Allan. This Christmas will be like last years there will be no presents under the tree for you. The thing i miss the most is how you used to con your mum into giving you early presents you were a pain for that and like always your mum has all the Christmas in as she starts in February. I could type all night Allan and talk to you. We love and miss you so much Allan. Happy Birthday Allan love from Dad Mum Amy and Sophie
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 00:07:11 +0000

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