Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet, caring, affectionate and smart - TopicsExpress


Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet, caring, affectionate and smart little Brodie! You were the perfect surprise and addition to our family 2 years ago. Mommy had a feeling you were coming the day you were born because I was feeling very anxious and ready for you to arrive that day! I woke up with lots of energy and was making sure everything was perfect for you. Mommys day started off with a midwife appointment where the midwife said I was already very dilated and that youd be coming that day. She was surprised I wasnt already in labour. I felt fine and didnt feel any real labour pains and decided to go shopping with nana and your big brother Blake. In the meantime mommy gave everyone the heads up that you were coming soon and everyone was so excited. After a couple hours of shopping mommys contractions began getting much closer together and started to feel like the real deal but still werent unbearable so she decided to drive home, which was an hour drive. As soon as mommy got home she knew that was a bad idea and she should have stayed put! I quickly text your aunties to let them know what was going on. Daddy was having a shower and I barged in and told him we have to go now! And he panicked and jumped out and I jumped in (dont ask why .. I wasnt thinking straight and wanted to be clean for my delivery lol) Mommy suddenly had contractions that were 2 min apart and splat! - my water broke! Now mommy, nana and daddy were panicking and rushing to get the truck loaded up to get to the hospital ASAP! (While loading up the truck, Mommy was a scatter brain and packed the wrong stuff for Blakeys sleepover at auntie Robin s so he didnt have spare clothes for 2 days! Lol) I hobbled over to the truck with contractions that were now 1min apart and managed to climb in. Daddy put the pedal to the metal and sped like there was no tomorrow to get me to that hospital! Then another surprise happened.. You decided you didnt want to wait and tried to make your appearance in daddys truck! And all throughout this nana was holding on for her dear life having an anxiety attack in the back but also trying to keep our family updated, mommy was curled up in a ball on the front seat trying to hold you in and daddy Trevor was white as a ghost driving his truck holding my hand telling me it was going to be okay! ❤️. Not long after running some red lights and passing many cards, we finally arrived at Peterborough Hospital and daddy parked in front of the emergency doors where they wouldnt close because he was practically parked inside the hospital. He ran inside and said My wife is having a baby in my truck!!. So the emergency nurses and doctors came running out and carried mommy on a stretcher and put me in the elevator and as soon as we got to our floor (2 mins later), you pushed the rest of yourself out and were successfully born @ 9:28 PM. All 6lbs and 8oz of you. You were so tiny that mommy thought you were premature but was quickly reassured that you were just perfect. ❤️You were the first granbabys birth that Oma didnt have time to make it to because you came too fast but she sure didnt take long to get there! Even though it was a scary experience, it was worth every min of it. I would do anything for you baby boy!💙 enjoy your special day
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:08:52 +0000

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