Happy 2nd year of life to our precious Mary Elizabeth!!!! Sorry - TopicsExpress


Happy 2nd year of life to our precious Mary Elizabeth!!!! Sorry it has taken me all day but we had a super busy schedule and internet problems. Two years ago our family started on a Journey we never thought we would be on. A life we never thought we would have. A less than perfect life is what many think. I probably would have thought that if I was looking at someone else. What is perfect? Depends on who you ask. My answer is quite different today than it would have been before two years ago. Is perfect 10 fingers 10 toes....a healthy baby? (You know we have all said that) Maybe for some that is perfection. Is it a baby that develops normally and on schedule? Maybe. Each one of us has a different belief in the definition of what is perfect. And thats fine!!!!!! My definition of perfect is all three of my girls. Smart, Kind, Confident, Funny, Strong and Innocent. My daughter as half a brain and can smile, cry, laugh, breath, see, hear, get her feelings hurt, take steps with help and a laudry list of other things. I think perfect is to live despite everything that is going against her. I think perfect is purpose...to give others HoPE or a smile. 2 years ago we had two outfits and a funeral planned. We had plans in place in case we went to a dark place. Never once did we think we would have been raising a child for the last two years. Two years that have been life changing. Do I wish things were different...hell yes I do. Today I wish she could hold up two fingers and say two. I wish I could have bought her toys to play with instead of therapy items. I would gladly trade places with her. But that doesnt mean that I dont thank God everyday for her and ask him to give me the streagnth to continue. It doesnt mean I love her less for not being perfect...I love her more because she isnt. Tomorrow starts the countdown to the next year of life and all that it will bring for Mary Elizabeth. Thank you all for your support over the last two years. Your prayers and words of encouragement are priceless to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. (please excuse any mistakes....serious computer/internet problems. I had to make it work because tomorrow wouldnt work...it had to be today)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:36:37 +0000

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