Happy Birthday Danielle Krause I feel very fortunate to have - TopicsExpress


Happy Birthday Danielle Krause I feel very fortunate to have gotten to know you over the past couple of years. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and make sure Pauler spoils you! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you but maybe next year my friend :o) Danielle I consider you to be a part of my family so you better believe im going to attempt my 20 things for you so here you go- 1. I was working one evening at Bubbas when you and Pauler came in for a piece of buttermilk pie I didnt know of Pauler even having a lady friend until that moment he introduced me to you 2. I secretly have a test for any new relationships that my siblings or family members embark upon I get my full freak show on and see if one becomes disturbed by me or if they can handle it if they can handle it they must be a good egg- you passed immediately (especially since your still around after my shenanigans with the microphone at dads 50th birthday party-the photo on Facebook says it all) 3. I think our first real moment of bonding was sitting at Aunt Nans counter having a heart to heart with a couple of shots of vodka and a few good laughs 4. Lets talk about our weekly Tuesday night shin digs at my house good times were had usually be you and me shootin the breeze and being completely outnumbered with Paul and his entourage I am truly grateful for you and Pauler taking the time to spend time with me I looked foreword to every Tuesday night cooking up some late night dinners, making beds for my guests, good conversation and all that jazz 5.What an epic way to spend Paulers 21st birthday maybe not for you but for me smoking a stogie and rockin out to Shania Twain is something I will never forget and then going on a photo hunt with Paul blowing up your phone wondering where in the heck you were at lol the party was awesome but maybe could have done without so many photo bombs from the toddfather yikes! 6. For your 21st or sometime shortly after we are going to have a girls night out or possibly a road trip or even a cruise you better be pondering what you would like to do because that is something I would really like to treat you to 7. I know that there were a lot of things lost in the fire for everyone involved I would replace it all if I could no one should ever have to experience that sort of thing I wish I could have been there in support of all of you but again I can not begin to express how thankful I am that you all got out safely that could have been so much more tragic and I continue to count that in my blessings and for me it puts it in perspective of how fragile life can be and how important it is to express the care we have for others I hope you know how much I value having you in my life 8. I appreciate you I know you have seen me at my weakest and when I was completely not myself and I appreciate the fact that I never felt one single ounce of judgement from you I am not without gratitude for that 9. you have a contagious smile when you smile it brings some light into this dark world I hope that you always find a reason to smile 10. we have some dang good photo sessions even when we can hardly get Paul or Todd to take the photo of us especially without Todd photo bombing we still take a dang good picture :o) hopefully many more to come! 11. I appreciate how laid back you are you can sit there and watch Pauler play his video games there is something to be said for that because I get bored to tears unless there is the rare occasion we all get to play the classics such as super mario brothers 12. we still have a lot of boy meets world to watch over perhaps over the holiday break we may have to have a marathon or 2 13. I also appreciate that you are willing to watch just about any movie or show with me however we still have some educating to do ;o) we all know Ive got quite the collection 14. I appreciate the presence that you bring into a room you are a comfortable soul to be around and I always have always valued good conversation with you plus you have always been very hospitable to me as well as your family too and I sincerely appreciate that 15. I give you props for putting up with my brothers shenanigans like most recently the sports debate at sidewinders haha I felt bad I had to leave you with those boys to go to work (even though the last time you saw me I was being a total zombified grouch) sorry about that it doesnt happen very often 16. Fact- you, my sister and I have matching pajamas from last Christmas and I suspect the possibility of it reocurring this year 17. Im just gonna throw this fact in here the Krause family loves the Packers if you dont know that about them already then you probably dont know them 18. I have heard you can get a little hangry sometimes :o) but I always try to check the status on your hunger and no matter the time of day or night I will gladly make you a gourmet meal, a simple sandwich or a cup of noodle 19. thank you for being so good to my brother I appreciate who he has become in knowing you (plus he dresses better now) I know that he adores you and truly loves you he is a better man because of you and I really appreciate the impact you have made in my familys lives definitely for the better and in mine personally I think you are awesome and I cant wait to spend some time with you again sometime soon 20. Lastly Im very proud of you for all that you have accomplished in life so far for surviving the fire and the floods and working towards your dreams and bettering your education you can accomplish anything you desire in life never forget how much your worth you are worth every dream you have ever dreamed and I truly believe you will go far in life never give up on the things you want the most I am proud to call you my friend/family have a wonderful birthday I hope that you enjoy every minute of it happy 20th! Love, Jaycie
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:25:43 +0000

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