Happy Birthday My Sweet little man Miss you everyday and love you - TopicsExpress


Happy Birthday My Sweet little man Miss you everyday and love you so much. we shall meet again one day and we can cross the bridge together. ALL FOR THE LOVE OF THUNDER May 31,1999 to August 31,2011 The day started like most others. We were all still at the home of a family that took us in when we were evacuated due to the flood. Leroy and John were going to work and Bob was in the trailer. Linda and I were inside with Zack, Chloe, Bailey, and Thunder but they were re-enacting the boggle commercial, so I figured I should probably take them out! They loved the outdoors and the sun. OMG they loved basking in it no matter how hot their human felt out there. They all did normal sniffing to find the perfect place to pee doing the Doxie circle. Zack was used to being able to run free so he was off doing his thing mine were fenced all the time till that summer of the evacuation, that summer, that very day things would dramatically alter my life forever. I called them and we all went back in and they ate and all took a snooze. I was onFacebook, as usual, playing my games and chatting. The morning was warm but very cool in the basement where we were. At about 11:30am, the pups all decided it was time to go out again so I rounded them all up and headed up the stairs, outside.I opened the door and all four dogs went out and I followed. They were barking, sniffing and playing. I walked behind them as we crossed the gravel road. They went over by the fenceline where Tucker and Spud (horses) were. Zack wandered a little but they pretty much stayed together. I was walking back to the other side of the road, watching the dogs and reminding them to do their ‘doodies’. They road was deserted so they started to come back across the road to me. I saw a Waste management garbage truck coming up the road so I called them saying “Come on guys. As the truck got closer, they slowed down to let the dogs cross. I waved and smiled back at the driver and thanked him. Zack, Bailey, and Chloe came in front of the truck but Thunder came out from under the middle of the truck. He was right in front of the 1st set of Duelies. I patted my legs, looked at him, and held out my arms and motioned for him, saying“Thunder come to mommy, baby.” He looked at me, eye to eye, wagging his tail.For some reason, I will never know why, but the truck was moving forward taking Thunder under that set of Duelies and spitting him out the back and down the road. I screamed and passed out for a few seconds. The truck had stopped. Bob called Linda and she came up. I was crying so hard and didn’t believe it. I kept looking at my Thunder laying there. Bob, the driver, his supervisor and a sheriff’s, deputy were all of the sudden around me asking questions and talking amongst them as I sat on the ground. My mind was whirling and all I could do was cry. Someone had put the other 3 dogs inside where bob had been to keep them safe. The Sherriff’s deputy was asking questions. I remember “Are you OK, ma’am?” I remember him saying it’s hard to lose a pet. The driver and his supervisor never said much, just talked to each other. Linda covered Thunder up. I went down to where he was and through tears, pulled back the blanket. I closed his eyes best I could and held his paw, kissed his head, and told him I loved him “Mommy loves you baby.”I look at Thunder more; I noticed that from his neck down to tail, everything was out of his body. Separated. His fur and his insides. The only think intact was his little head, although the rest was still attached to him. I kept thinking ‘OMG my baby, my baby, they killed him.’ I covered him back up and Linda helped me up, I was weak and wobbly. I remember walking over to where Bob, the deputy, the driver, and his supervisor were. Bob said he and John would take Thunder and bury him at their family farm. I thought it was a good idea. I went inside and got Thunder’s bed and put it in a big black garbage bag. So he could be laid to rest in his comfy spot as I brought it outside the driver and his supervisor were scraping parts of Thunder off the tires. I passed out again. They were standing around me as I came around and asking is I was ok. I was in a dream, I thought, it was all surreal and I went through the motions. I went over to were the men were all standing and asked the drivers name. It was Lucas. I hugged him and told him thank you and he asked why. I told him it was because he cared enough to stop. I realized in that moment I could have lost them all if he hadn’t. He was very frazzled, I could tell. The chatter among them all made my head hurt. I went inside with Linda and the other dogs. I was kissing Chloe and Bailey and petting them. I got on Facebook and posted that he had been killed. I may have said more but I am not sure. I went to the kitchen where Linda had gotten Thunder’s collar for me. I started running water to clean it.The water was red and there were pieces of his fur embedded in it. At that moment I felt raped of any feeling or any emotion. The more I scrubbed, the collar wouldn’t come clean and the smell was making me nauseous. The water, after I don’t know how long, was still pinkish red so I cut the tags off and threw the collar away. I dried my hands and the tags. I went to the living room and sat down with my two babies and sobbed for what seemed like forever. When all was done outside, I went out by myself to where Thunder had lain. I rubbed my hand in the dirt and smelled my hand; I had to know the smell. They had put some dirt over it but not enough that I didn’t know where it was. I went back inside, washed my hands, put leashes on Chloe and Bailey, and went to take them for a walk. They knew something was wrong, they seemed to be drawn to the place where Thunder had been.I kept them away and went for a walk. They did there thing on our walk back home. I found two perfect, small branches when we went inside, I made a cross for Thunder’s grave and made sure I gave it to Bob and John before they left for Benedict that evening. After they left to bury Thunder, I took bailey and Chloe on leashes over to where Thunder had been. They sniffed and pawed the dirt for quite some time then they both peed on the spot and were ready to walk on. It seemed odd to me but I suppose it helped them in their own way. They smelled and knew it was Thunder’s scent and they seemed to know then that he was gone and peeing on it was like their closure. Who am I to question my babies and their way of coping? They were sad, I could tell that, and they knew I was very sad too. Later , Linda got the call that Thunder had been laid to rest. Upon their return, John said “He is buried under a big tree by a pond and he can run free and never get hurt now.” I hugged him and told him thank you and of course I cried.I am thankful for Linda, Bob, and John. I could never have made it through without their help. To this day, what bothers me the most is that Waste Management has never said a thing to me. No ‘I’m Sorry.’ No offer of monetary help, nothing and I am sure that will be one question I will never have an answer to. For a very long time, I could not eat, especially meat, my sleep was sporadic, and I was more depressed than usual. At bed time I held my two babies close tome. My life may not be the same now, all this time has gone by but I am starting to become able to file it away, knowing I never have to forget Thunder or stop loving him, but I will be able to function so it does not consume every part of me. I am thankful for this.Thunder I love you so much my little man. Thinking of you every day. You will always be my snot nosed little boy.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 02:27:21 +0000

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