Happy Birthday to my sister Phyllis October 16th is my sister - TopicsExpress


Happy Birthday to my sister Phyllis October 16th is my sister Phyllis’ Birthday. I don’t know where to start to explain the remarkable person she is When she was 9 years old she got a baby sister (me), I am sure she was not impressed. By the time I came along out Mama was a widow and worked all the time. Phyllis took the role of big sister very seriously. She watched me, played dolls with me for relentless hours, Old Maid and Concentration and so much more. Phyllis always wanted to be an educator and from a very young age making a Banana Pudding was a teaching tool, it was an opportunity to teach me to measure, to count (count the vanilla wafers and banana slices) and patience because the custard was made from scratch so count how many times we stir to take my mind off how long it took to thicken. She taught me to read using the Bible and memorizing my books of the Bible in order. She took me to church and she made sure I did not act up in church and made friends. If Mama was at work and I got to crying because I wanted Mama a new diversion, go out in the yard and hunt 4 leaf clovers. She taught me to color in the lines but that it was also OK to color outside the lines. I wanted to learn to write and yep Phyllis helped me with that. She was great at First Aid when I fell and got the breath knocked out of me she grabbed me up and to the water bucket in the kitchen she ran and splashed water in my face. When I cut my foot so bad that I had to go to the doctor and did not need stitches I think she was as relieved as I was that same day she held me tight and talked to me while I got my horrid tetanus shot. I was prone to nose bleeds and I could see the anxiety not only on Mama’s face but on Phyllis’ as well when they would not stop. When the doctor told Mama Phyllis had strep throat I thought he said striped throat and was in her face to see the Zebra Stripes in her throat and she obliged and then explained I misunderstood. When she turned 16 if she went somewhere usually I got to go to her friends were my friends we were a package. I caused her to get her first speeding ticket because of an argument over a Poncho she would not let me get and I was screaming when she was pulled over just knowing I sent her down the river. On those adventures she took me to Mayberry Ice Cream and taught me how to order from a menu and about one a month to Family Steak Pit where she could teach me how to make a salad on a salad bar and cut meat the proper way and be a lady in a nice place. She always indulged my love of purses, once she went to a concert and I was so upset I couldn’t go, the next morning she had bought me a purse. She and Mama would go shopping when I was at school and she always got me something and it was a learning tool. The time came when she had to leave for college and I thought I would die, how would I make it without her? She mailed me letters and post cards and I wrote to her and apologized because we forgot to teach me how to fold a letter. She always wanted a report card update and good grades meant she was proud and I never wanted to let her down. I struggled in math and excelled in the arts. She pulled me through school devoting extra time when she was in from college to help me. We spent one whole Christmas on a research paper with her checking behind me. She rushed to my side during a tragedy and was at my side again when my husband fought cancer. Once again she was at my side caring for Mama. Mama taught us well pull together not apart. I look back and can say my success was because of my family but especially Phyllis who taught me not only the books but the everyday tools ; act like you have some sense and table manners and all the little things so many people forget to teach kids. So on this day October 16th I count my blessing, my big sister. I love you with all my heart. Vera
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 23:23:05 +0000

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