Happy Christmas Eve Day everyone! Id love to name you all one by - TopicsExpress


Happy Christmas Eve Day everyone! Id love to name you all one by one, but this would be too long. I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful day and evening! Love you all and if you dont hear from me in the next few days, or I dont get on, I hope you all have a great Christmas with lots of love and joy! My wish for every one of you is to have PEACE and to know you really are LOVED. Keep in mind the real reason for Christ...mas as you run around getting prepared and/or buying gifts and such, as I will be. I am grateful for my friends and family, and also for those who are not related but family just the same. You dont have to be blood related to be family. (And technically we are all blood related.) Sometimes people change their minds on whether you are family or not, which can really hurt, but just keep in mind that those who really love us, will always hold us near and dear and consider us family no matter what. People keep asking what I want for Christmas. What I really want for Christmas I cant have. It isnt anything physical by any means...with just a few words it was taken away, but such is my life. haha! I just hope every single one of you reading this know you are loved by me and by those much higher, much more precious...Heavenly Father and his Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who without, there would be no Christmas to begin with...hence the name of this holiday. He gave the perfect gift...he gave his son to die for all of us, so we can return to live with him once more...He watched the humble birth of his son in a barn, in a manger (that the fed the livestock out of), and watched his son sacrificed himself willingly and suffered all things for each of us. (Can you imagine sacrificing your own child and watching it? And Jesus went through every single trial we have gone through...he felt every pain and sorrow we have ever endured or will endure on that cross.) How much more love could Heavenly Father have for us to go through that for each of us? And how much love did Jesus have for us to give his entire life to show us by example, service and love for everyone he met while he lived on Earth and for each of us who were to come afterwards. ***So, in thinking about that, dont forget to show some love and kindness to anyone you can this Christmas (and every day)...even if its just a smile...a little kindness goes a long way. Sharing the gift of love, goes a really long way. Being positive, and being kind to others, even if we may be sad ourselves, can help someone else. We need to build each other up instead of tearing each other down. We all need to be careful of the words we say and of our actions, because some things cant be undone and hurt to the core of our very being. May you all have the gift of love and peace this day and every day. That is my wish for all of you. If I had the money, Id also ease each and every persons suffering on this Earth, but since I dont, I can only offer what I can to all of who I know and that is my love and a reminder for us all to show love and kindness to one another. I am so sorry I am so far from being perfect and react in a not so good way the odd time when people may hurt me. I try to be patient and understanding, and try understand where it is coming from and why, but sometimes the hurt gets the better of me and for that I am truly sorry. I am sorry for anyone I have ever offended or hurt whether I knew about it or not, or it was taken wrong, or I said or did something to hurt someone in retaliation not thinking clearly at the time. It is never my intention to deliberately hurt anyone on this Earth and I am truly sorry if I ever have. Keep in mind each others feelings this Christmas season. ***And for my friends who dont believe in Christmas or Jesus Christ or Heavenly Father, then I hope you have a wonderful holiday season anyway and show love and kindness anyway. I think we all need to put ourselves in the other persons shoes or at least try and by doing so, gain more empathy for each other. Sorry for the book...I didnt sleep much last night and when Im tired as many of you know, I either talk too much or write too much. haha! Enjoy your day and every day to come! Love and hugs to Mike, Keegan and Chelsea and all of the rest of our family and friends, and anyone else who reads this! xxoo...
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:06:59 +0000

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