Happy Christmas, FaceSantas - It is right that we celebrate the - TopicsExpress


Happy Christmas, FaceSantas - It is right that we celebrate the birth of Christ with this perfect winter holiday. His words, as recorded, and His principles as stated in His teachings are ones that should guide our lives and our actions every single day. It doesnt matter if we dont believe. It doesnt matter if we belong to a church or religion. What matters are the words themselves, and what they mean, and how we LIVE them. If we all lived within the guidelines of TRUE Christianity as written, and not as we are told, this world would be Heaven, indeed. Happy Birthday, Jesus. On this happiest of holidays, my heart goes out to those who have lost someone they love this year. The first Christmas without that loved one is hard to face. Just remember, it they could, they would tell you that they want you to have a happy and joyous Christmas, and they also want you to have many many, more. Rejoice in your loved ones memory, and celebrate in their honor. And if you need a hug, please reach out - theres probably lots of folks who will volunteer. God bless your hearts....... To my Facebook global community - Thanks for taking me with the proverbial grain of salt. I always mean what I say, but I never mean any harm. To my family - We had some Hard Candy Christmases, but mom & dad filled the empty spaces with love. I love you all. To Jean - Youve saved my life, more than once. I love you. To Charlie & Katy - Wanna TREAT? I am grateful for this life, and for all those who love me. Merry Christmas..... jb
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 16:25:56 +0000

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