Happy Columbus Day Biggies! Just flew back into town from a - TopicsExpress


Happy Columbus Day Biggies! Just flew back into town from a wonderful Vegas getaway. The fellas and I had a spectacular time and the R&R was just what I needed. This was a big a weekend for me because what I didnt tell you before I left, was the reason I was getting out of town for a couple days. I will let the kitty out of the bag....Little Lincoln has graduated to NICU Level 2! I am no longer in the critical level 3 area :). This means I am doing very well and might actually get home for thanksgiving. I am so happy I could toot. Oops I did toot! Instead of sitting in the NICU while the move was going on I decided to take Paxton & Mr. Huggs on a boys weekend and hit up Vegas. We got to see the Bellagio water guns, played a little roulette and caught a Circus Olay show. Vegas was very accommodating and asked me to perform with the Circus biggies for a night which I happily accepted. Im pretty sure they only do this for the high rollers like myself. The 1st day we were there I placed a 1000 Little Lincoln smooches on the roulette wheel and we won! I have included the picture of our winning roulette wheel and you can see the sign was clear where we were supposed to lay our smooches on! After the spin at the roulette wheel we decided to stop while we were ahead and spend our windfall on fine dining and room service. I ordered 3 full warm bottles of mommys milkshakes which the concierge gladly flew in from Palm Beach Gardens due to my high roller status(which was good thing because they would not let me bring any liquid on the flight). After a good nap and some awesome mind movies we hit the pool to get some sun, 20 mins of sun a day keeps the jaundice away is what I always say. Dont tell mommy but there were a lot of preemies in bikinis! I declined all date offers per my mommys no dating till Im 40 rule. Other than that I can not tell you biggies much more because I had to sign a privacy statement before I left that stated What happens to preemies in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Thank you all very much for continuing to send me those warm and fuzzy thoughts and prayers as they were vital to me graduating to level 2 of the NICU. This also means I am closer to the door so it will be easier to sneak away for the weekend. I had to make a paper mache doll to leave in my crib so they would not notice I was not present for the last couple days. I put a hat on it and one of my nicest onesie so it would have been very hard to tell the difference. Be sure to check out my vacation pictures and check back soon as we have some really cool news for you in the next couple days! Love and Hugs always LLL
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:56:52 +0000

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