Happy Family Gatherings Well, the “Happy” part may not be - TopicsExpress


Happy Family Gatherings Well, the “Happy” part may not be the case for all. Typical for this Holiday time of year, many individuals come in to The Conscious Connection with apprehensions about... their family get-togethers.” As much as they look forward to getting together with friends and family and enjoying festive times, they also seeks tools, skills, and calmness to be able to survive the events. We know the drill! The gathering begins. One by one the guest come. Everyone has their best smile on, as well as their best outfit. This is the starting point, the ‘pseudo’ portion of the get together. There are meany oohs and aahs. You can even hear a shrill of laughter or two. We all have that favorite Aunt, friend, relative who shrieks at every little comment. Then we become reminded, with that aromatherapy smell-- yes, the smell of a baking turkey can create strong memories of so many get-togethers in the years past. Some good, some not so good. By now several drinks have been consumed and you can quickly tell one drinker over another. There are those who are trying to numb themselves from the experience of the moment, and perhaps other past, mostly hurtful experiences? Once all the pleasantries and niceties are over with, then the energy of the room will change. You will begin to feel some tension from one or two individuals. Someone will inevitably get loud-- chaos ensues. Some type of altercation. Usually a small altercation, although these little skirmishes can certainly escalate. Certain individuals will silently observe, their heads are down. Some will walk into another room, while others will wander outside to have a smoke, ruminating in their heads the old worn out tapes and memories. You know the rest of the story! We all have them. Its what we are here for. The playground if you will. Or another great synonym is training ground. After all, you and I understand the bigger picture -- We are here to experience life as well as to overcome the life lesson. This is exactly why we are with the people who are here, to expose to us what our life contract is about, and what our lesson is about, if we care to look! For the consciously connected individuals out there... They will keep their inappropriate behavior in check. They will tame their inappropriate attention-seeking need to be approved and vying for “Atta boys.” Others will tap into recognizing and calming down their need to orchestrate and control the event. Still others will realize their tendency toward avoidance and coyness and actually step in and enjoy family. For some who understand their version of how they do life, they will bite their tongue and forgo the typical intimidating, interrogating comments since get-togethers present the best opportunity to one-up each other, as they perhaps were one-upped themselves in the past! The list goes on, the behaviors go on. Well Im here to tell you - this is textbook! Speaking of textbooks, you find information and similar stories in textbooks for psychology, sociology and the new wave, the new age version of what is Spiritualism. You will find the information under the heading labelled Dysfunction! Sadly, we dont do much about it! Year after year we experience the same results. You know this according to how you leave the gathering. Slumped over, tail between your legs, sighs of relief...you made it! But did you leave learning the lesson??? Did you leave with love, more love, and a thrill and chill of love? Or did you miss it again? Dang! Not again...! No worries, another get-together is just around the corner, for yet another opportunity to heal. That being the biggest lesson of all... to heal! Wanna try something different today? Want a tool to keep in your back pocket and pull out right at that perfect moment? Do not underestimate the fact that the perfect moment will surely present itself. Its a Universal Law... What is not healed will always present itself! Just for today, or maybe for the rest of your life-- respond with, You know, you might be right. This by no means indicates that you necessarily agree, but notice the energy. Feel the calmness, as if the blood pressure in the room went down. Now could be the perfect time to share your perspective, if you feel compelled. Its easy when everyone feels validated, understood and heard. Warning, this could backfire! None of this will truly work, if that back pocket comment you have ready to use is said with anything BUT love! You will know immediately, as you grab for your drink! For ultimately... We are all constantly learning to play nice in the sandbox! Provocative... As Always Dr. Anna
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:35:53 +0000

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